Sterba and Panda Cory`s

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Sterba and Panda Cory`s

Post by new2Lnumbers »

Can anyone tell me the optimal M/F ratio and how many Sterba Cory`s you can keep in a 20"x 10"x 12" tank? Same question for Panda Cory`s?

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Location 1: stafford england
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Post by chef »

the optimum ratio i have found is 4 males to every 2 females but it depends on the species some prefer a 1- 2 -1 ratio but thats usually the longer nose types. i have a breeding group of 7 fully grown(60mm+) sterbai in a tank not that much different in size and they do well. panda being a much smaller species you could get maybe between 8 -10 adults in a tank of that size
Posts: 39
Joined: 15 Sep 2005, 02:23
Location 1: ILL. U.S.A.

Post by new2Lnumbers »

What type of filtration do you use?
Posts: 136
Joined: 02 Feb 2005, 12:41
Location 1: stafford england
Interests: corydoras breeding etc

Post by chef »

i use mainly corner filters or box type but add an extra power filter for some extra current if i'm trying to spawn them
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