small plecos for a 120g?

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small plecos for a 120g?

Post by bussardnr »

i have a Ancistrus dolichopterus right now and am looking for some others to go in a planted 120. heres a list of what im interested in so far. would any of these work or not work? also is there anything else that dosent get over 6in that i should look at?
Ancistrus claro
L082, Opal spot Pleco
Butterfly Pleco, L052
Hemipsilichthys bahianus LDA17
Hypancistrus zebra
Lamontichthys filamentosus
Panaque sp. (L271)
Hypancistrus sp. (L004) Angelicus Pleco
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Post by laurab5 »

You will not want to put a zebra pleco in this tank if there are fish that could shred it. what do you plan on putting in this tank. you could do L134, which would look really good in a planted tank with a piece of driftwood or 2 for it to hang out on. a gold nugget
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Post by MatsP »

As Laura said, it depends very much on what else you're going to have in the tank... Further, selecting fish is a personal thing - I can't say what you like. You've got a list of several species, and I can't see any reason why any particular one would be unsuitable, assuming you haven't got other fish in the tank that would make it unsuitable.

Also, I see no reason why you can't go bigger than 6" - the tank is certainly big enough to take bigger plecos.

I wouldn't think that Hypancistrus Zebra are completely unsuitable, but at the same time, they like lots of current and lots of oxygen in the water. Planted tanks with CO2 injection aren't suitable for this type of fish. If you don't do CO2 injection then it's probably OK. This applies to just about all the species, really, but Hypancistrus Zebra are a little bit to rare and expensive to keep in the wrong conditions.

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Post by bussardnr »

im only going to have dwarf cichlids( apistos etc) and some angles or maybe discus. i mainly wated to make sure they would get along with each other and the plants.
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Post by MatsP »

Ok. So, the ones listed above are fine to me.

I'd add the following to the list:

There's also a whole bunch of nice looking Hypancistrus species, that are much less expensive than the H. Zebra that you've got on the list.

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Post by laurab5 »

Can we get pics of the tank. add a nice piece of driftwood and i would get 2-3 L134, the would stand out in this tank a ton, trust me. beautiful fish, and they would replace the look of zebras quick. i would also add one L128 or L200, and an albino bristlnose pair, and that should be it. make sure to get a small L128 or L200 though
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Post by bedwetter »

another great looking option (IMO) that does well in planted tanks is any of the Sturisoma - easy to keep, good algae eaters, and are relatively active during the day.
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