Multipunctatus spawning
- Posts: 53
- Joined: 25 Jan 2004, 20:19
- Location 1: Rockford,IL
Multipunctatus spawning
Hello all. Just sharing my T-day joys. Wed night I got to expeirience a Synodontis Multipunctatus spawning. Cats are not in with host cichlids. This was a natural egg scattering spawn. 1 female was very gravid and swollen.1-2 males were "chasing" her around the tank. She would stop at times and release eggs.I assumed eggs would be too small to see. I was wrong as I saw some as she released. Needless to say, some of the other fish were enjoying some caviar. Doubt any will survive, but maybe I'll get lucky. That was a wonderful expeiriece.Looks like I'm gonna have to break up the group and get a pair downstairs with some mouthbrooders.Cheers and catfish rock.
- Posts: 133
- Joined: 26 Oct 2004, 08:49
- My cats species list: 1 (i:0, k:0)
- Location 1: Cumberland, MD
- Interests: Synodontis
Why break up the group? Multi's are schooling fish by nature, and would probably be more likely to spawn if you keep them together. I have been thinking about setting up a tank to spawn petricola's, using some glass marbles under an egg-crate ceiling light panel cut down to fit the tank. Basically a tank-size breeding trap. The eggs would be safe from hungry fish, and could be siphoned out, or the breeders moved to a different tank, and the fry raised where they are. If you spawn them w/out hosts, and provide enough food, they should be less likely to eat each other after hatching.
- Posts: 53
- Joined: 25 Jan 2004, 20:19
- Location 1: Rockford,IL
Not a bad idea Todd. Well I'll prolly put 5(adults) downstairs and keep the 4 juvies upstairs in the show tank. But I'm gonna try it with hosts. Believe it or not, they were at it again last night. This time it was a different female. I'm gonna have to do sumptin quick, I just hope moving tanks won't set them back much.