I remember when my fish had Ich, I had a two gallon hexagonal tank sold at Petsmart with an air pump and undergravel filter. I had only a couple of fish, one was black and I named him blackster (I was about 7 and could not think of a better name) and I also had another fish, which I can't remember, and a bottom feeder, he looked like an oto. but was white-ish and had a black zipper-like pattern (chain loach?) Who I named zipper. The fish that I can't seem to remember had ich, and, even my parents knew what that meant, the next day, they purchased the treatment, and it seemed to work, but we forgot to reapply it once a month, as we thought that our tank was rid of the horrible thing. But later, all of our fish died from ich. I still miss them.
P.S. Not trying to be off topic, but yesterday my hamster died of old age. She was one of the very few hamsters who had survived wet tail, which kills somewhere around 6/7 of all hamsters who get it. Unfortunatly, her coming down with wet tail must have lowered her longevity, as she had just turned 2. I stayed by her for 2 hours while she was in a coma like state before she was pronounced dead. The good news is, right before she died, I took her out, like I had started to do recently. Before she lost consiousness, all of my family had time to say goodbye to her. Here is a picture of her.:
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.