What cories go best ?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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What cories go best ?

Post by UNTgolf »

I just cycled a new 40gal breeder and I am put goodeids in from mexico(either cresent or redtail). What cory would go best with goodeids and spawn in the same type of habitat?
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Post by bronzefry »

Which Cories would go best with the goodeids would depend on the water quality. Will the water have a higher pH and harder water? Or will the pH be neutral?
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Post by mummymonkey »

I've kept several species of goodeids including Xenotoca eiseni and I wouldn't keep any corys with them. They enjoy the taste of cory dorsal fin too much.
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Post by UNTgolf »

My water runs about 7.7(pH) and hardness runs the anywhere from 120 mg/L to 150 mg/L. This being because I live in Dallas around limestone and with rain and drought hardness and alk. can vary.
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Post by Jeff »

I agree with mummymonkey. Goodieds will pester your cories to death. The two of them do not go together. I have both species of fish and they do not mix.

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Post by Beersnob »

I would probably put some "larger catfish in there if at all. I lost 2 amblydoras hancocki from them. The poor guys looked like they were mugged and then the muggers came back and did it again. I would make sure that the catfish are large enough to deal with them. In the past I have had some cats do ok. It really depends upon the type of Goodeids. The Santa Maria goodeids did ok with this set up:

Corydoras barburatus (bearded cory)(4)
Pimodella pictus (3)
Synodontis Eupterus (1)
Bristlenose (2)

As you can tell, the goodeids were used as dither fish :shock: because everyone else was Catfish! :D



Sooo many Beers, So little time!

How many Catfish are in your Tank?
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