Sick C. Trilineatus

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Sick C. Trilineatus

Post by Oz »

Hi All,

I have noticed that one of my 6 C. Trilineatus has a fluffy looking growth around it's adipose fin. Apart from this he seems to be ok, water parameters are PH 7.2, ammonia & nitrite are 0, nitrate is around 25ppm. The tank contains the 6 corys, a bristlenose, 4 swordtails, 4 neon rainbows and half a dozen neon tetras and has been running for around 6 months. I had just started treating the tank with Sterazin (day 2 of 10) as a couple of the swordtails were flicking but showed no other signs of disease. Should I continue with the Sterazin treatment or abort it and treat the tank with something like Interpet No 8 anti fungus and fin rot?

Thanks in advance,

Well I wish I was a catfish,
Swimming in, lord, the deep blue sea.
I'd have a, all you pretty women,
fishin' after me, fishin' after me,
fishin' after me. Yeah
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All Natural

Post by B-2 »

I would use Pima fix and Mela fix. They are all natural medications that won't harm snails, plants, or delicate fish. You should also add some stress coat to help repair any damage to the slime coat. I hope he recovers. :wink: It is good that you caught it early. Some of my fish have died because I didn't notice the fungus until it was too late (they were small fish in a big aquqrium). :(
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Post by Starsky »

I lost a c. similis just today because of fungus, too. I hope we had melafix locally. Unfortunately, all I had was methylene blue. :(

Goodluck with your sick tril. :)
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Post by Oz »

Thanks for your replies and apologies for the late response but I have been sick myself :cry: I aborted the Sterazin treatment and started with Melafix and Pimafix and the fungus seems to have all but gone. The little chap still insn't himself though, his 5 other buddies go crackers all over the tank but he doesn't seem to want to join in just yet. Hopefully he''l come 'round.

Well I wish I was a catfish,
Swimming in, lord, the deep blue sea.
I'd have a, all you pretty women,
fishin' after me, fishin' after me,
fishin' after me. Yeah
Catfish Blues - Jimi Hendirx
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