Laura what you have heard would be wrong. Color is not a valid indicator of the sex with zebras. Please stick to only giving advice on subjects you yourself have personal experience with. I know we've discussed this....
Yeah, I know, and it is an indicator, when the fish are in condition and in comparing them to other fish in the group, IF they are mature. It is not always a tell, as the colored or white L260 stomachs does not always hold 100%, but in general is a good rule of thumb. The pictures in this thread make it very difficult to determine the exact curvature of the pectoral fins and aren't clear enough to really judge by the odontodal growth, IMO. I'm not comfortable just guessing when I can't see the things I use to determine the differences clearly. I just don't want Rene to get rid of a fish that could potentially be a female because it's coloration is darker.