New tank set up

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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New tank set up

Post by jacked »

i am setting up a new 90gal tank. i really like the hypancistrus. i was wondering if i could keep 2 or more of these species together. i like the zebra, the QA, and the king tiger. would there be a problem keeping these fish together.
i also noticed the most zebras owners keep these little guys in there own tank. is this just for breeding or do they do better in their own tank.
i currently have a clown pleco that might make the move to the new tank. any compatablity problem there.
any other suggestions would help with tank set up or other possible tank mate would help.

thanks in advance.
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Post by MatsP »

Almost ALL pleco's are territorial, which means that they will require their own little hidey-hole and space to call their own. This doesn't mean that you can't keep several of them in the same tank, just that they need a decent piece of floor-space each.

Another consideration is of course cross-breeding. There are examples of Hypancistrs hybrids, so it's a fair assumption that they will possibly cross-breed if you keep several species in the same tank. If you're not planning to breed them, and can accept not keeping the babies if they happen to hybridize, then that's fine. [Of course, these aren't going to breed at the drop of a hat anyways, so it's likely not a problem unless you intend on breeding them.]

Clown-pleco is fine together with other plecos. These fish like caves made from wood or bamboo.

There are plenty of setup descriptions already in this forum, so I'll just suggest that you do a search for Hypancistrus AND cave, and you'll probably find a few dozen posts about caves suitable for Hypancistrus...

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