M. iheringi's big brother?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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M. iheringi's big brother?

Post by OneFishTwoFish »

Please help. I've been searching all over my local fish stores for M. iheringi. I drove all the way to Milwaukee, WI today because the LFS that I called said they had the "south american bumblebee catfish". However, when I got there they had a fish that looked like iheringi except it was around 3.5 inches and they said it will get to be 6 inches. What is this? Does anyone know? I left it behind because I know that kind of mini predator iheringi can be and I really don't want a fish almost 3 times it's size stalking my tetras at night. Also, can anyone please point in the direction of some iheringi in the West Chicago 'burbs/Rockford, IL area?

You see, I recently lost a good little buddy. I've had a M. iheringi for almost 9 years. His name was Oscar. Oscar travelled from an old 10-gallon tank to a 29-gallon tank and eventually lived for his last 4 years with African Cichlids. This was a mistake as he finally must have picked a fight he couldn't win. It was always such a treat seeing him sculking about in the evening or seeing him dart out for a shrimp pellet now and then. I really need to find another like him so I can place him in a much better environment and make sure he lives long and happy.

By the way, I'm Mike. This the first time I've posted here. I normally lurk and post on a cichlid site.

Thanks for any help,
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Post by Silurus »

You probably saw one of these.
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

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Post by OneFishTwoFish »

BINGO! Pseudo. bufonis. Sorry, Dave. I had actually gone there half expecting to see the siamensis - I never trust the LFS. It definitely wasn't one of those though. I'm pretty sure Silurus is dead on. Good thing I didn't pick it up. It get's to be almost 10".

I'd still love it if anyone can tell me where I might find iheringi. Are they bred in captivity?

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Post by retro_gk »

My local Petco stocks M. iheringi on a regular basis... you might want to check out the stores in your area or ask them to get some for you.
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