White fin cory?

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White fin cory?

Post by cincy »


I found an interesting cory in the LFS "Spotted Cory" tank. What stands out are the nearly white first ray of the dorsal and pectoral fins.

Candidates are:
C cf schwartzi (Ian Fuller's new book, page 229)
C cf pulcher (Ian Fuller's new book, page 211)
C schwartzi - but mine don't have the black dorsal spot
C parallelus - but mine don't have the black dorsal spot

So what are they?



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Post by mummymonkey »

Very like C141 also.
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Post by cincy »

mummymonkey wrote:Very like C141 also.
Where can I find info on the C141. I don't see it in the catelog.

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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

You probably already know this.. Ian's book p. 349.
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Post by MatsP »

There is a picture the size of a small stamp in http://www.corycats.com (under C-numbers). I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a link to a page with decent size pictures, but it appears that the page is broken, and also the link from page before to this page is broken, but you can get there if you go directly from the C-numbers page... Maybe Ian is inclined to fix this at some point... ;-)

I thought it would be in Ian's book, by the way...

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Post by Coryman »

I am almost certain that your fish is the one featured in my book as C. cf schwartzii these are often called 'schwartzii' in the trade and are an as yet undescribed species. As with all identifications knowing the catching locality is of prime importance, but very rarely available. C141 is a largish species with a longer straight snout. Another possibility would be C133 a species that is sympatric with C. ornatus, but these are uncommon and would have been set with a fairly high price.

The links to some of the C-Numbers pages have not actually been set up as yet, in fact the full sized pages are yet to be written, mainly because the whole site is in the process of being re-designed and my efforts are being concentrated there. The site itself will have some major changes that will enable me to include up to the minute information.

All the relevant id information up to C145 is available in my book.

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Post by cincy »


The C141 fish in your book has what looks like a larger than normal adipose fin. Is this unique to C141 or just to this particular fish?

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Post by Coryman »

The shape and size of adipose fins can vary but C141 does have quite a prominant one.

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