In praise of the "lowly" bullhead..

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In praise of the "lowly" bullhead..

Post by DeepFriedIctalurus »

Nearly 2 weeks ago now, I drove down to UofM to pick up a local yellow bullhead from Silurus (HH) at the natural history museum. I decided to leave a smallish tank (29g) open for this fish in hopes of finally having that "wet pet" catfish. Sure, I could've simply gone to any pond, river, lake or ditch and caught my own black bullhead (yellows don't really exist here in mid-Michigan). But I'll admit I'm a total sucker for any fish w/ a history, most of my favorite fish were someone else's at one point!

So to get to the point, I just wanted to say that Logan here is already shaping up to be the most interactive & pet-like catfish I've ever kept. I've considered catching myself a rock bass to keep with him after he's been upgraded to a larger tank, but it seems almost redundant to me at this point. Up til now, the only native fish I've kept in recent years is a golden shiner that lives with my "Asian creek" community, and this lowly bullhead certainly fills a void.

I definately encourage others to do the same & take another look at the fishes we have access to right here in the US, that's all.. :!:
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Re: In praise of the "lowly" bullhead..

Post by zenyfish »

DeepFriedIctalurus wrote:
So to get to the point, I just wanted to say that Logan here is already shaping up to be the most interactive & pet-like catfish I've ever kept.
Would you please expand? Does the fish hide or swim around during the day? Shy or outgoing?
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Post by Blackwater »

I debated pretty hard on using my 180 as a native tank with a couple Bullheads, yellow perch, sunfish, etc, before deciding on using it as a species tank to house a single M. Tigrinus. I am setting up a 125 and am leaning back towards a native tank with a Blk and Yellow Bullhead and a yellow perch and sunfish. I am only an hour west of you. I thought I had seen yellows around but maybe I'm wrong? anyway, what do you suggest for params? as far as ph, hardness, temp, etc?? What are you feeding it? any poss. of posting a pic?
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Post by Silurus »

Here is the picture of the fish in my ad.

I kept it for more than three years, and it seemed to do OK in just about most water conditions.
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Post by Sandtiger »

So far from all the catfish I have kept brown bullhead are the most active and interactive. Mine takes foods right outta my hands...I have had my pictus and white line for two years and they still have a hard time doing it. I have had this guy for a month. He is always on the move munching up stuff and even swims near the surface. Some of the best aquaria fish really are right in our back yards. I keep him with two pumpkiseeds...they are just as tame as any oscar.
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Post by lotsabettas »

I have 4 small yellow bullheads only around 1.5-2 inches long and they are awesome fun to watch and chase your finger around :lol:
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Post by DeepFriedIctalurus »

To answer zenyfish's question.. He is quite outgoing & far from shy, same as the other experiences w/ bullheads posted here.

Same goes for feeding really, he'll literally eat anything I put in the tank...with the exception of a female Aulonocara & some small chunks of yam. Staples here are hikari siklid staple pellets & Wet Thumb's catfish pellets here. He'll eat either right from my hand, but you have to watch it because he doesn't distinguish between pellets & fingers!

Speaking of that, when he's hungry he'll bite the hand that feeds even if there's no feed in it...hehe

As for pics, I don't have an extra plug to put a light on his tank right now...I'll be happy to post some when it's more convenient tho.
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