drgold wrote:I have him in a 50 gallon tank (36x18x18) and will upgrade to a 65 (36x18x24) when I move in June. I figure he can grow a bit in there, comfortably.
Do these need driftwood just like common ancistrus? So far I just have some pots for him to hide in (although he prefers to hide behind the filter intake for now).
Also, will they spawn just like commons? I have albiino and brown pairs growing and wouldn't mind breeding these, too. I'm sure the lfs would love it.
And yeah, even I can see that the internet fish aren't L-183. Maybe it's just a bad pic? The description sounds like 183, but the pic looks like 182. I guess I could call and find out, but what are the odds that they would know?
As far as I've been told, Ancistrus don't quite NEED driftwood (it's not a major part of their diet), but it's:
1. A nice way to decorate the tank.
2. Bristlenoses like to sit on it and hide behind it, and even breed around them.
The spawning behaviour, I would expect to be the same as other Ancistrus, but common ancistrus is by far easier to breed [needs less "accurate" conditions to breed].
Most LFS will name fish in accordance to what their wholesaler says, and in many cases that turns out to be what the exporter wrote on the export list. Most of the time, none of the involved companies really know how to tell different species apart... You have, by far, better experts on this forum...