Two different names for L-095?

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Two different names for L-095?

Post by smilingSyno »

Hi, we got a beatiful pleco last Saturday. Looked him up in the library and they call him Pseudorinelepis genibarbis. At other web sites I found the name Pseudorinelepis pellegrini. At the store we were told he was a Pellegrini Pleco and his L-number was L-095. So I guess Pseudorinelepis genibarbis and Pseudorinelepis pellegrini are the same species. Are they the same and if not how can I tell which one I have?

Here are some pictures of our fish:

Also I'd like to know if he's a male or a female. One article I found said that the males have the orange cheeks and the females don't. But if that's true then I have never seen a picture of a female, they all have orange cheeks.

If anybody can help me, I'd appreciate it very much.
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Post by Jools »

Pseudorinelepis genibarbis is the correct current name, Pseudorinelepis pelligrini is a synonym.

I don't know how to sex them other than by examining the genital papillae.

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Post by gibbo »

That is a very impressive fish Smiler, any idea as to max. size if it isn't full grown already? 8)
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Post by smilingSyno »

Thanks for your replies.
Gibbo, he is now 10 inches long and shouldn't get a whole lot bigger than that. I read that the largest specimen ever found was 35 centimeters (14 inches). Wish we could have gotten a smaller one and watch him grow up but for some reason they said they can only get adults in.
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