Trilineatus <> Julii ?

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Trilineatus <> Julii ?

Post by Elwin »

Is there a good way to tell the difference between c. trilineatus and c. julli ?

The reason I ask is that I constantly see online sellers proclaiming to be selling 'Julie' Cories, but the pics they post sure look like trilineatus to me.

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Re: Trilineatus <> Julii ?

Post by Coryologist »

Elwin wrote:Is there a good way to tell the difference between c. trilineatus and c. julli ?

The reason I ask is that I constantly see online sellers proclaiming to be selling 'Julie' Cories, but the pics they post sure look like trilineatus to me.

Hi. There are great pictures here on PC and at You are correct. 99% of the fish you see listed as C. julii are, in fact, C. trilineatus. - Frank/Guppyman
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Post by bronzefry »

From what I've read, C.julii are seldom imported anymore. :wink:
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Post by bronzefry »

These are the C.Trilineatus I recently acquired. They were labeled in the LFS as "spotted Cories, possibly Julii."
I had to take the second photo when the lights had just come on. They're active, like the first photo all day long. They've been that way for a solid month now. This is a diligent bunch of limnivores. Not a drop of the brown crud on the glass.
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Post by snowball »

C. julii have lots of individual spots on their forehead whereals on C. trilineatus they are joined lines & squiggles.

I've not seen any true julii for a long time, those I see sold as such today are all trilineatus. They could well be the same species caught from different parts of the river, maybe the 'julii' are long since fished out?
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Post by Starsky »

They're trilineatus alright. I've got four of them in my tank. :D They were mislabeled as "julii", too, but you can easily distinguish them in planetcatfish's cat e-log.
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