L066 King Tiger, sexing help required.....

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L066 King Tiger, sexing help required.....

Post by mells »

Hey Peeps,

So I picked up an L066 today, to go with a further 4 that are arriving next mth.

Anyway, this one is a beut but I need to sex it.
Go on guys/ girls give it your best shot... it has a white belly to.




Any Ideas?.....
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Post by MatsP »

Ok, so your Loch Ness-like pictures show a fish with quite a bit of girth, so I would take a guess on a female, but I could be very wrong.

A tip on photography: The camera doesn't seem to focus that close, which is why the pictures are quite blurry. Move a little bit further away, and then cut out the actual fish from the bigger picture you get when moving further away.

Also, adding a bit more light would help a fair bit, because it will make the fish more visible as well as making the camera choose a smaller aperture, so there is more depth of field (i.e. more of what is behind and in front of the actual focus distance will appear sharp on the photo).

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