preserving dead fish

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preserving dead fish

Post by xander »

Fish die. Its sad but they do. One died recently that I have had for over 10 years. I would like to preserve it as I don't feel I'll find another like it. It was a Bunocephalus amazonicus. I would like to keep this specimen in as preserved a condition as possible. I have wanted to do this with past fish as well but have never been prepared for it. I talked to a taxidermist guy who also preserves insects and said for fish that the best way was to preserve in alcohol. I am wondering if anyone has done this and if so if this method is satisfactory. I put this quy in a jar with 91% isopropyl alcohol.
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Post by Shane »

Vodka works pretty well in a pinch too.
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Post by Silurus »

The best method of preserving a fish is to use a 10% formalin solution (formalin is a 37% solution of formaldehyde), as you need to fix the tissues. Alcohol will preserve the fish, but not fix tissue.

After two weeks in formalin (which you have to handle carefully, as it is carcinogenic), it can be transferred to water for a couple of days (to flush out excess formalin), before long term storage in alcohol.
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Post by madf1man »

Why? Surely not because its missed. Must be scientific reasons I assume.
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Re: preserving dead fish

Post by judiefish »

same problem here wat to do?
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Re: preserving dead fish

Post by MatsP »

judiefish wrote:same problem here wat to do?
Eh, what part of this discussion is it that you don't understand?

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