Need an ID on weather this cory was dyed or not

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Need an ID on weather this cory was dyed or not

Post by ferrikins »

I very sorry but don't have pics of what I saw. I want to get a positive ID before writing a letter of complant to the fish store I saw the fish at.

It was a bronze cory, witch had a very bright red area by it's tail fin, witch looked very un natral. It was lable something like "red cory" and was £6.

I'm hoping I can get a positive ID before I write my letter, as this will help what I have to write, and give it more sustance.

Hope you can help.

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Post by Silurus »

Yup, sounds like a dyed fish.
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Post by Coryman »

These fish are actually injected with dye, something that should happen to the people that do it.

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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Does it look like this pic in the Cat-eLog?
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Post by ferrikins »

Dave Rinaldo wrote:Does it look like this pic in the Cat-eLog?
Very simular, though the red was this colour
it was also on the top suface as well.
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Post by Coryologist »

Coryman wrote:These fish are actually injected with dye, something that should happen to the people that do it.

Not quite. They should be injected with battery acid. My "pleasant thought" of the day. - Frank/Guppyman
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Post by bronzefry »

It always amazes me when I walk into a LFS and still see dyed fish. One large chain still sells them, but has the gall to deny that they're dyed. I imagine "Strawberry", "Blueberry" and "Patriotic" Tetras get that way all by themselves. The last manager I complained to said,"The children love them, but I swear that is their natural color." :? I handed him the merchandise I was about to purchase and left. My four year-old nephew's favorite fish is a plain Zebra Danio. Why? Because, and I quote,"They swim really really really really fast!" 8)

edit: I also think the needle used to inject the dyers should be of equal ratio to that used on the fish. Do you think there's a needle large enough made? I'm usually not this twisted! :twisted:
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Post by kev »

For the U.K. people i think Practical Fishkeeping are running a campaign to get all the shop's in the U.K. to not stock any dyed fish.

Put me dinner in the oven, im off to the Xingu!!!.
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Post by Magdalene »

I just can't believe that shops will stock these fish! I wonder if it's only unsuspecting people who have no idea that they have been dyed that will actually purchase them?
I've never seen them in New Zealand shops thank god.
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Post by bronzefry »

I was in a store yesterday that had them. I won't even call it a "local fish store." Puppies outnumbered fish 20 to 1. There were (6) 15 gallon tanks in the back of the store. Three of the tanks were stocked with "painted" and "patriotic" Tetras and Cories. Another 15 gal.tank was overstocked with Moonlight Gouramis. I quietly told the teenagers working there how the fish got their coloration and left. They seemed more interested in the $500 puppies with kennel cough. :?
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Post by natefrog »

The insidious nature of novelty. A little anecdote for you all:

My vertebrate zoology professor was looking after the fish tanks in the live animal room at the college while I was on holidays, (I set up the room as there was no live animals at my college when I started there). When I came back from holidays there are six gaudy "fruit tetras" in one of the tanks (these are an albino black skirt tetra with neon die). One by one, over the period of less than a week, five of the abominations die, whilst all the other fish in the tank are fine.

My professor is on holidays now and I have not had a chance to ask her why she purchased these fish, I can only assume that she was ignorant as to the process of die injection.

So many people buy these fish it is astonishing. I saw kissing gouramis the other day with multi-colored plaid prints injected under their skin...and selling for $70 (Can).

This leads me to the conclusion that before this practice losses favour we will see far more of it than we already do.

Don't spend money at stores that support this activity...PLEASE!!!

P.S. I spelled dye- DIE -intentionally.
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Post by egz »

It just makes me so angry i think that if many (or any) lfs around here sold dyed fish, we might have to start a 'movement', painting whole shopfronts fluorescent pink during the night leaving a nice little message stating our cause. I'm sure they'd do it themselves if they had opposable fins to enable the holding of spraycans...
pure plectasy!!!
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