anyone keep flavican catfish?
anyone keep flavican catfish?
cuz im thinking of keeping one too, is it very sensitive. What does it feed on?
- Silurus
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Very true. B. flavicans can be hard to get off of live food. They will take to prepared though. Flavicans need alot of space otherwise they will freak out and bang their nose which is not a pretty sight. They like current in the tank as well. Id say when this fish gets to the 6" mark it should be housed in a 180g atleast. Once it gets too the 14-15" mark it should be in a pond or huuuge tank. At this size if they freak out in a small tank they could do some serious damage to themselves. This fish can get 5-6ft. They are one of my favorites though. They have this awesome shine of gold.Silurus wrote:Are you able to give it adequate housing as it grows?
A key question to ponder before one makes a commitment.