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All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by livebearium »

My wife picked up this pl*co. She was told it was L241, but it doesn't match any photos of L241 I have ever seen. Any ideas what its number is?

<img src=http://www.fishatlas.org/pleco.jpg>
<img src=http://www.fishatlas.org/pleco2.jpg>
<img src=http://www.fishatlas.org/pleco3.jpg>
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Post by Silurus »

Looks like L201 ().
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Post by Tuti »

I think it's a L005 Hypancistrus species; but i'm not sure...
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Post by Tuti »

@Silurus: I also have L201, but mine has white spots instead of orange ones?
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Post by Yann »


Depending of the catching locality some L201 show some orange spots...for sure the overall look of the fish place him in Hypancistrus (sensu lato)...
since L241 is also coming from Venezuela the chance for him to be L201 is really high.

By the way regarding the Hypancistrus sp L04/05/28/73, only L28 show yellow like spots...

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Post by livebearium »

We are leaning towards L201. Thanks for the input.

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Post by livebearium »

I talked to the owner of the shop that sold the fish to my wife. He said the fish came in as L241 and so that is how he sold it. (of course we now know that it is L201).<P><P>Now we just want to how to get a few more, so we can try to spawn them.

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Post by MatsP »

I've noticed that several shops are unwilling to change what the wholesaler said it was. So even tho' it's not the correct specie (and you can show evidence of such), the name given by the wholesaler is still used.

My only guess is that it means they can shift the blame, whilst if they re-label something, they are responsible if things go wrong... :-(

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