Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I think Yann's point is that the coloration as well as the lines aren't quite the same as on L260.
It may of course be that YOURS aren't "real" L260 either.
This is a common problem when identifying fish, particularly those that aren't scientifically described. There aren't any firm and proper descriptions for those fish, so there's not an immediately easy way to say that "Fish A is specie X, and fish B is NOT specie X, because the A has <something> that is not present on B".
Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for both shop owners, wholesalers/importers and expoters to "misname" fish. Sometimes this is done with intent, and sometimes purely by mistake.
Without adequate descriptions, we have to use more primitive measures to identify one fish from another, combined with such things as capture location, behaviour, etc.
I'm not saying you're wrong, Yann knows a lot about (cat)fish, but certainly not always right. But you may want to consider that if your fish's lines are more orange than white, they are possibly not L260. Whether they are L318 or some other specie is the next question...
Finally, there is always the possibility that similar fish from different locations are going to be combined into one specie, but with different colorations. If/when this happens, I think we should make sure that breeding is only done with species from the same origin, so we don't get mixed colorations.