Mystus ???

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Mystus ???

Post by ZedLepp »

what species is this?



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Post by sidguppy »

No nasal whiskers???

probably not an Asian, but some sort of Pimelodus, I think

The high triangular adipose points in that direction too, Mystus have long low adiposes (not all, but some).

Your other post has a Mystus, you can see the nasal barbs very clearly.

One for HH:
Are there Asian Bagridae wich lack the nasals, btw?
Valar Morghulis
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Post by Silurus »

This is a member of the group.

All bagrids have nasal barbels, although very large Rita have theirs reduced to a flap of skin.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

It sits in a bright setting; therefore it's very pale. Put it in a more appropriate environment and it will regain its steelblue and silvery colours.
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Post by suezbele »

it is actually a pimelodus albofasciatus
beautiful fish!
tony stewart rules!!!!!
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Post by DeepFriedIctalurus »

What about ?

All the "blochii group" fish don't seem to have a very prominent predorsal spot, and any albofasciatus I've seen has much better-defined stripes.

That is unless the taxonomy of P.clarias is unclear & it's tossed into the blochii group these days?
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