Is this Cory Aeneus or ory Melanotaenia??? or ???

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Is this Cory Aeneus or ory Melanotaenia??? or ???

Post by jars104 »

Hello all

I bought these as green cats - that's it! Not sure where they fit in. I'm pretty sure they're not Brochis as the snout dips down more but please help.


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Post by Silurus »

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Post by jars104 »

Silurus wrote:
THanks v much Silurus

And there's me thinking it can't be Brochis!!

Can i ask if I should be feeding these any green foods? I've tried on numerous occasions but with no luck. I only have two (one is much larger so am guessing is female - that's the pic) and am going to by another two if I can.

More pics


Female from front

Male (sorry about quality.

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Post by troi »

Silurus wrote:
Is this fish common, I mean VERY common, in the LFS's in the US? The pudgey nature of the beasts looks much like the pudgey nature of these light green cories I got locally and tentatively ID'd as a variation on C. aeneus.

My guys are very social, tho--schoolin' fools.

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Post by MatsP »


You can quite easily distinguish Brochis from Cory's. A Brochis will have a longer dorsal fin with about 11 or more rays (up to 17 on some varieties), whilst cory's will not have 11 rays.

There are certainly some cory's that look very similar to , but they do not have the same number of rays in the dorsal fin, so that should make it easy to rule out (or in) the Brochis genus from the list of candidates.

My feeling is that these fish aren't VERY common, but they do turn up here and there.

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Post by troi »

MatsP wrote:Troi,

You can quite easily distinguish Brochis from Cory's. A Brochis will have a longer dorsal fin with about 11 or more rays (up to 17 on some varieties), whilst cory's will not have 11 rays.
Thanks, Mats.

Mine are the C. aeneus, then. It was the plumpness that gave me a moment's pause. I got them in a tiny LFS that orders basic fish from Flordia, USA, suppliers. It is unlikely she would have anything less than usual in the shop--no market here.

Took a closer look at the Brochis on CoM. My, my that IS a nice fish. Small enough for my current resources. hummmm....

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Post by MatsP »

Brochis grow a bit larger than most cory's, but other than that, it's pretty much the same behaviour and environmental needs. I've got 5 in my tank. They've grown quite a bit from when I got them, particularly two of them (I think they are females...).

The availability here in the UK isn't like you walk into eveyr shop and find them, but if you want Brochis Splendens, they are available at the wholesalers...

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Post by jars104 »


My LFS sells these as Green corys - not too far off I suppose.

They are very shy / jumpy as expected but there's only two of them. I'm looking at adding another pair. God they are fast too when they are spooked!

They tend to just dig in the substrate for their food - I have a community tank feeding flake, frozen/live foods (various) and algae wafers. I'm going to start on greens as well. Any advice on special bits for these guys? As I said one is much larger than the other so she has to be female. Will look to breed when I have a larger shoal.

Thanks everyone - love this site!
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Post by Jools »

BTW, use the following code for posting images hosted in the personal albums...

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Post by MatsP »


[Does this belong in the BUGS forum?]

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Post by Jools »

It's a long story, but I guess it it one for the bugs forum.

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Post by troi »

MatsP wrote: The availability here in the UK isn't like you walk into eveyr shop and find them, but if you want Brochis Splendens, they are available at the wholesalers...
If they are sold as "green cories" or "green high-fin cories" in the US, then i had a few last year. They started dying off with in 24 hours, as did many other fish from the same shop.

I think I will get this fish again.

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