Colombian Zebra Pleco

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Colombian Zebra Pleco

Post by livebearium »

I saw an Peckoltia sp. today at a LFS and it was called "Colombian Zebra Pleco". Any one have any idea what the L # for it is?

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Post by Silurus »

I think this is a "Colombian zebra".
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Post by livebearium »

Close but not quite. It was more reddish-brown than dark-grey.

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Post by MatsP »

Unfortunately, a lot of common names are made up by the exporter, importer or wholesaler, and sometimes the same fish can be called three different things in the same language, depending on who "named" it.

Many of the "Pleco" from this region have quite similar patterns and colours, so going by a written description is often very hard. You need to take a (good) picture of the fish, preferrably from more than one direction, trying to make sure the dorsal fin is showing in at least one picture, and the mouth is often a good sign of the feeding habits of the fish, which in turn limits the number of choices.

If you're reasonably sure it's a Peckoltia, you should be able to find it by going to the Cat-eLog and selecting the "Genus Thumbnails" view. Then go find the Peckoltia genus under the Loricaridae family. Now you get a thumbnail picture for each specie of Peckoltia.

Of course, the same applies if you think it may be a Hypancistrus or Panaque specie, for instance.

[I could have just copied the link, but I'm telling you how to do the search yourself, because it will help you and others for the future].

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Post by smithrc »

Here are a few pics of ours - L129s



We're just about to try and get ours to spawn for the first time. RO water change is happening tonight :)
Our Plecs...
L014 - L024 - L046 - L075 - L088 - L106 - L114 - L142 - L183 - L400 - LDA25 - GSD
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Post by Candice »

Yours look like L204's.
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Post by Silurus »

The head shape indicates that they are indeed L129.
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Post by Candice »

Oops. ok! Sorry
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Post by livebearium » ... hp?t=11748

This pic looks exactly like what I saw at the shop.

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Post by Yann »

so it is L129!
they are quite variable depending on the catching locality!
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