Please help me identify this disease and the cure.

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Please help me identify this disease and the cure.

Post by ikan »

I have many white seam ancistrus fry died from this disease in the last few weeks. Can anyone tell me what it is. I tried Waterlife Protozin and Epsom salt but it didn't fix the problem. I can't use malachite green and meth blue because that will kill the fry. I also did many water changes hoping that it would fix the problem.
In the last two days I've been treating them with tri-sulfa (Wardley product). I also added Melafix and Pimafix. Is tri-sulfa a correct medication? ... ure084.jpg ... ure082.jpg

Please advise me what I should do to cure them. Thank you.

Please advise me what I should do to cure them. Thank you.

Other information:
PH 7.2
Conductivity 270
Temperature 27C (80.6F)
Bare Bottom tank with drifwood and java fern.

A couple of weeks before this happened I bought many small fish (tetras, rainbows & apistos) from LFS. I didn't quarantine them because I didn't have a quarantine tank. Many of new fish died in the first three weeks.
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Re: Please help me identify this disease and the cure.

Post by kane2000 »

Feel...Parasite in the body top layer

People in our country all reduce the food£¬WATERLIFEIt should be a very good choice
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Post by ikan »

Kane, thank for your email. I'll reduce the amount of food and hopefully it helps.

Come on guys, no one else had this problem?
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Post by kev »

Sorry for your loss Ikan :( . Might be a stupid question but have you checked the NITRITE???

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Post by ikan »

Hi Kev,

Yes I did check the nirite and ammonia with new test kits. They almost didn't register. I do frequent water change and the fry are in 4x2x2 tank with some neon tetras and other small fish. The load is very small. I am puzzled and frustrated. I am using my only quarantine tank so I can't experiment with some of the infected fry in a small tank.
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Post by Janne »

Try aquafuran against this bacteria helps if the fry not are to bad.

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Post by Shane »

I agree with Janne that it is most likely a bacterial infection. I do not know what medications are available in Australia, but I use Binox by Jungle products. Look for a product that attacks both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
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Post by ikan »

Thanks Janne and Shane,

I will look for the medications, though I don't think we have them here. Will any of the Waterlife medications work as well? Thanks you for your advise, at least I can start looking for the medication now.
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Post by Janne »

The active ingridients in Binox is "nitrofurazone" and I agree with Shane that it's a really good medication against bacteria infections both inside and outside the fish and particular for loricariidae' doesn't stress them and dont affect their breath.
Aquafuran is also an active ingridients and a name of a medication so all you need to find out if you can find a medication of the same kind.

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Post by ikan »

Jane, thank you for the info. That will certainly make it easier for me to find a similar medication here.
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Post by Biznatch »

Well I just had my l183 die from pretty much the same thing. He had a bite on his side that kept getting bigger and his tail split in half and was almost gone. I tried Melafix first, then Jungle Fungus clear (Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone, and potassium dichromate were the ingredients) and it didn't help at all. I was going to try either Marcyn I and II or Maroxy but he died before I could get them.
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Post by Jorge »

If it helps, Furanol JBL is the same as Aqua Furan (Aquarium Munsters), with nifurpirinol/nitrofurazoina as active ingredient; both work very well with this kind of infections
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Post by ikan »

I have to go to a vet to get Nitrofurazone and it's doesn't mean that he/she will give it to me. My plecos are still affected by it but only 7 fish left from about 100 fry. I am going to place them in a QT tank this weekend after I move my discus to a larger tank. I will experiment with some medications since I think it's going to happen again.
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