Dead babies

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Dead babies

Post by megladonsharky »

I picked up three baby( young) dwarf cories on tuesaday ... all seemed fine till this morning, this morning all three were dead and the one remaining I found has a lot of red on her side near the tummy area... My pitbull pleco is okay so is the betta.. I did a 3 gallon h20 change last night I have a nine gallon tank..I gave the planted there fizz tab.. h2o is treated with conditioner and I added a little bacteria since I ccleaned the sponge filter in the second internal filter(powerhead?)... Since finding them I added 3ml of melafix and pimafix, 6ml of ace by jungle( to bring down ammonia( from the dead ones)... I have no test kit and will take a sample in today... My ph is usually a bit low about 6.7.. take has been up and cycled for about 8 months.. I increased the air in my internal box filter to assist with the ace..

Any ideas on what caused this.. I am worried for my two cories left and my pleco and betta

Substrate is small conga gravel , heater is at 76.. box filter has fliter floos( looks like batting) and carbon zeolite mixed in a bag.. "powerhead" has a sponge filter that I cleaned out last night...

I took three dead cories out.. the one i have seen is active , the betta is fine so far ... pleco seemd to be his ornery self...

I have three live low light plants and two silk ones , slate cave and drift wood
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Post by megladonsharky »

the parameters are all good ... the store did a dip stick with paper?? should I take it to another store?? Should I do another small or large h2o change>>?? will my girl be alone for a week or so??
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Post by Durlänger »

If you mean Betta splendens or smaragdina or ... with betta it maybe is the murderer :evil: could be it first wanted to eat them but as they were death it didn`t notes anymore about them.
My Macropodus opercularis eat little Xiphophorus helleri a year ago as my father thought he could take them in my tank :!:
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Post by megladonsharky »

he is a spledens... I dont think it was him he has lived peacefully with ghost shrimp( i do have a female betta who is a killer)... the babys were about a 1/2 inch
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Post by ricorn »

Hi I recently moved 5 young pandas to a grow out tank and one of them did the same the others are fine. I had this happen once before. The other fish in the tank arent agressive. It almost looks like a weak area on the fish but Im just guessing. hope someone else can help.
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Post by marktman »

Sounds like a bacterial thing to me. I stay away from adding bacteria to a tank when I add new fish. Wait a few days and then add any conditioner with live organisms in it. The best thing to do when adding new fish is not to do anything for a few days. Just my opinion.
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Post by jen.nelson »

I had something similar happen with a batch of Brochis splendens I got. They developed reddish abdomens, which I took to be a septicemia. Of eight fish, five survived, but they required a few weeks of antibiotic treatment (I used Maracyn Two) in a hospital tank. I slightly elevated the hospital tank temperature and used an airstone. I did daily massive (~50%) water changes on the hospital tank and added antibiotics to compensate for the loss of treated water. After a week's worth of treatment, they looked OK, so I left them in the hospital tank for observation and they relapsed, so they got some more treatment.

With my fishies one of the big signs was that they raced around frantically as though uncomfortable. This was different from the "I'm schooling with my reflection" racing that the happy cories do...

Good luck to you and your fishies!
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Post by megladonsharky »

marktman wrote:Sounds like a bacterial thing to me. I stay away from adding bacteria to a tank when I add new fish. Wait a few days and then add any conditioner with live organisms in it. The best thing to do when adding new fish is not to do anything for a few days. Just my opinion.
That is likely what it was
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