How many is too many?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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How many is too many?

Post by Juliepalooza »

I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 6 lemon tetras and 2 spotted cories. I also have a 29 gallon tank with 3 cherry barbs, 1 rosy barb, 2 dwarf gouramis, 3 spotted cories, 1 peppered cory and 1 small emerald green cory. Both tanks are fully cycled - 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites, nitrates at "2nd box" (I can't remember the number reading).

I bought the 2 spotted cories for the 10 gallon last Saturday and they are extremely skittish. They only come out of their "caves" when the lights go out and seem to be indifferent to one another (each retreating to a separate "cave"). The cories in the 29 gallon are quite gregarious and busy.

I would like to move the 2 from the 10 gallon to the 29 gallon to join the rest of the gang. Would that be overcrowding my 29 gallon? Going by the 1" per 1 gallon rule, it would be pushing the limits a little - but I'm basing that upon adult fish length. The barbs are still juveniles as is the emerald cat.

Also, how many sinking pellets should I be feeding them each day? The tetras, barbs and especially the gouramis love to get to them before the cats. I've taken to dropping a couple of pellets in each night when I turn off the light, so I hope they're finding enough to eat.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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Post by wayneminot »

You should be fine putting them in the 29gallons
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Joined: 25 Feb 2003, 18:34
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Post by Juliepalooza »

Thanks Wayne. I moved one over last night after I finally caught him. They are fast little buggers. He seems to be much happier with his buddies. Strangely enough, the lone cory in the 10 gallon is staying out in the open a lot more now. Maybe they just didn't like each other. Who knows.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2003, 23:38
Location 1: Dallas metroplex texas usa

Post by wayneminot »

It's better to keep cories in groups of six or more. You can mix species but they like to be in groups.
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