Bought an L66 King Tiger Plec yesterday

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Bought an L66 King Tiger Plec yesterday

Post by JonS »


Any tips on the L66 King Tiger Plec? There isnt much in the main site on this fish.

Much appreciated.
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Post by plecplonkfizz »

There's this article on spawning L066,if it's any help.

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Post by MatsP »


L66 is a Hypancistrus, so in lack of better advice, follow the other close relatives: L46, L260 and L333 for instance.

Of course, for general husbandry + breeding care, there's plenty of articles Shane's World. Even if they don't exactly match your fish, particularly Hypancistrus articles will be a good source of information.

Also have a look at Ingo's Ancistrina lecture on Shane's world. It talks about all sorts of Loricaridae, including Hypancistrus.

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Post by dancingdryad »

I've got 3 L66 and one which I think could possibly be a L236 (it was in a big batch of L66's but retains it's white stripes which the L66 tend to turn a silvery grey, and also the black stripes are less).

Anyway I have found that they get bolder as they get more settled, the one I've had for longest now comes out in the day with full lights on to feed. They like to wedge themselves into the tightest of hiding places although some seem to be perfectly happy with mooching about the substrate or glass. They were a bit fussy eaters at first but now accept Hikari algae wafers, frozen bloodworms and brineshrimps, mussel and absolutely adore Tetra Prima Granules which they totally ignored first off but then had a little taste and now really go for. They seem totally disinterested in courgette and other veggies. Turning the heater up a couple of degrees for a few days seems to get them feeding if they're being ultra fussy.

I wonder if there are different patterns on fish collected from different areas, I don't think it's anything to do with size because my fish are all more or less the same size. Two of mine have thick black stripes with large spots towards the tail, the 'white' stripes are distintly silvery, The only Hypancistrus to survive my unidentified tank wipe out a few weeks ago was an L66 who I'm keeping separately for the time being, he is different again with more black stripes about even width as the white stripes and no spots.

The big batch of L66 that I got the possible L236 from were all silvery grey with loads of black scribbles, totally different to mine, but not as much as the Queen Arabesque L260. Which makes me wonder about pattern variations in different areas of collection.

The other thing that I've found is the fish that I bought that were kept in soft water in the shop have settled in much faster and started feeding sooner (and also a lot less fussy) than the fish that were kept in adjusted tap water.
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