Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
This won't be very aeshtetically pleasing but I think it would work really good. You get one of those plastic kiddie pools like from wal-mart or a like store if your in another continent and you silicone a 5 gallon bucket to the middle now you have a circle. Then you get 3 or 4 powerheads and you place them so they go around the circle and You have a good river setup thats cheap to boot.
Its gonna be pretty big and you wont really be able to see small fish, So why not try something a little bigger. Maybe the devil cat I think the scientinfic name is bagarius bagarius. I remember reading that they like cool swift waters. Im not sure of any other species im sure someone will have the perfect idea for it though. good luck. And if you actualy put the plan into action some pictures would be awesome.
Well it shouldn't cost too much so I think I'll probably put the plan into action as you said zach thanks for all the suggestions. Anyone else want to help me out with ideas of what to put in it?
Well, there are fast-water synos like <i>S. decorus</i>. Are you into fast-water cyprinids? They are really cool fish if you can get hold of them. They are great jumpers, though.
Nope, not eupterus. The fast-water synos generally have slim bodies (things like ornatipinnis).
No, the cyprinids I was thinking about are medium-sized to large ones like <i>Tor</i>, <i>Neolissochilus</i> and African bariliines.
I've never heard of those cyprinids. thanks anyways though any other suggestions anyone? I think I'm going to put my two farlowellas in it unless I put some synos in. It's going to be a big tank I think it will be at least one hundred gallons.
OOh good idea oh what about bulldog plecos those are fast water fish. I need some topwater fish now and some more catfish would be fine too also if you guys can think of something else I like more I could put them in instead if it needed to be kept as a species tank.