This is my Brachyplatysoma Juruense, currently about 6-7", absolutely fantastic fish to own. Big fish attitude, but not quite one of the huge tank busters!
Peaceful, aslong the cohabitants aren't bite size lol
What does a Chav and a Slinky have in common?
They are both great fun to watch fall down stairs.
When I first brought him home I was giving him deformed fish (the rejects from a local wholesaler) things like danios and platies, then an importer gave me 30 1inch long koi that were all deformed. I thought that would last about a month. I was wrong, 1 week was all it took. So, I thought, your a predator you can fast for a while as any big cat can and should. So 2 weeks later I dropped in 2 deformed danios (hunch backs) and he is not interested they're still there now, its like my punishment for feeding live fish. he has taken to eating bloodworm and beefheart/krill mix but he will not come over and eat whilst my discus have theirs. He'll just wait for it to fall in front of him (real lazy).
I know thats an odd mix but they all seem fine together and I have the room to seperate them if there is any trouble. The one I have at the shop has river shrimp daily but they die as soon as they hit the water in my tank as its a bit hot and acidic for them. both are doing great but my one at home is growing much faster.
Home tank pH 6.5 KH 3-6 GH 7-10 Temp 30 60% R/O
Shop tank pH 7.8 KH 3-6 GH 21 Temp 24-25 100% tap
the one at the shop took 2 weeks to settle, where as mine settled straight away.
What does a Chav and a Slinky have in common?
They are both great fun to watch fall down stairs.
my friend has a shop so i get a lot of his scrap's, my fish think's he's a sheep dog! i put 10 4-5" goldfish in for him and he started swimming in a circle herding them into the middle of the tank (the tank is quite big) and then bashing through them and grabbing them . how big is the tank he's in?.
Put me dinner in the oven, im off to the Xingu!!!.
He's in a juwel 240. But had a customer come into my shop today and say he has to move and offered me his 4x2x2 tank and cabinet for £100 with all the equipment and his fish. Couldn't believe my luck. I now think the plan has changed to having it as a show tank in the shop.
How big is your tank?
What does a Chav and a Slinky have in common?
They are both great fun to watch fall down stairs.