Help identifying 3 dwarf plecos?

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Help identifying 3 dwarf plecos?

Post by startrbear »

Hello everyone! A new member, so I apologize if I step on any toes. I have an 80 gallon coldwater aquarium, primarily with fancy goldfish, but with a common pleco and three dwarf plecos. The common is about 8" long and is starting to get agressive with the other fish, so it's time to find it a new home. The dwarf plecos are not aggressive and are very active in the morning and evening. Here are the fish in question. I'd like to ID them so I can be sure that they are being properly fed and cared for.

I've been told that this is a Royal Pleco from a local shop:

I've been told that this is a Rubber Lipped Pleco (from Petsmart, I think):

And this one is also from a local shop. I totally don't remember the species name, though to their credit, they did try to identify it. Do you know what it is?:

Any advice help on ID'ing these fish or advice on feeding and care would be greatly appreciated.


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Post by Silurus »

Fish 2: ... /318_f.php

Fish 3 is some kind of Hypostomus.
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Post by pturley »

I believe Fish #3 is THIS
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Post by Silurus »

I believe Fish #3 is THIS
Why is that still in Aphanotorulus (and not Hypostomus)?

I think it's more likely this, based on color and the iris diverticulum.
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Post by startrbear »

Silurus wrote: I think it's more likely this, based on color and the iris diverticulum.
This looks very much like mine, Hypostomus unicolor, thanks Silurus.

No one has refuted that fish 1 is a Royal Pleco. Fish 2 seems to be a rubber NOSED pleco, and not a rubber lipped pleco as Petsmart had it marked. Fish 3 must be the Hypostomus unicolor that Silurus linked to. I'm going to take photos back to the store and see if they can identify the species for me.

Thanks for your help everyone! If anyone else has questions or comments, please feel free to share.


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Post by fishmadbarry »

#3 looks extremely like the Ammophilus that pturley claimed.
I have 8 of these in 2 different sizes in my shop. They are a great little fish would recommend them to anyone with a community tank.
Really good choice.
Your Panaque is no dwarf though and needs bog wood to graze on.
What does a Chav and a Slinky have in common?

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Post by startrbear »

Thanks for the info! I'm starting to read more on the Royals and it suggested bog wood as well. I will do what I can to find some for the little guy. I'm sure the others would be interested in it too.

The rubbernosed pleco changes his color quite a bit, from very light tans to very dark browns. He is the one that I rarely see. Of course it's a full tank and there are quite a few places to hide.

My third fish has to be the hypostomus that Silurus linked to. The weird irises, the body shape, the color... That's gotta be what it is. Pturleys is close, but not the same as mine.

I'd be happy to take more pictures if that would help, too.


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Post by Jools »

Silurus wrote:Why is that still in Aphanotorulus (and not Hypostomus)?

Actually it WAS in Hypostomus and I recently moved it back and resurrected Squaliforma again in line with this source. Hypostomus unicolor will be moving too.

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Post by Jools »

startrbear wrote:My third fish has to be the hypostomus that Silurus linked to. The weird irises, the body shape, the color... That's gotta be what it is. Pturleys is close, but not the same as mine.
Mmm, the iris shape changes with lighting conditions, it's not good as an ID characteristic. The body shape between like sized individuals of the two species is virtually identical and the colour only appears to differ in that A. unicolor has that area of white on the lower flank. Also, without a clear shot of the tail there's still a passing chance the fish could also be a Squaliforma (IMO).

More pics please!!!

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Post by eupterus »

I maybe wrong but i noticed that you mentioned that the "Rubber nose" changes colour alot, out of the three the Chaetostoma will least enjoy the cold water. This maybe why the colour is not constant.

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Post by Shane »

I think you meant that the Chaetostoma will MOST enjoy cooler water. Chaetostoma are particularly adept at changing colors. I believe that this is an adaptation to their habitat. In clear, shallow streams a fish needs this chameleon-like ability to keep itself safe from predators.
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Post by T »

Btw these are tropical fish that are not really suited to the same temps as your goldfish.
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Post by MatsP »

T wrote:Btw these are tropical fish that are not really suited to the same temps as your goldfish.
With a heater set to some low temperature, the Chaetostoma will be fine, and so will the goldfish.

should be fine with a temperature of 22'C, so 72'F. [Cat-eLog entry says 22-30'C).

The , according to Fishbase is living in 25-28'C, so 77-80'F.

Goldfish don't like temperatures in the high 70's, so the Unicolor is probably the one that is unsuitable in the mix.

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Post by Elspeth »

Fancy goldfish tend to do better in warmer water, actually -- somewhere in the mid to high seventies, Fahrenheit. If the temperature is raised gradually, this tank can be kept at 78F. Startrbear will have less chance of bouyancy issues with the fancier goldies at this temperature, too.
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Post by fishmadbarry »

Sorry, I dont know much about the weather in houston tx. but I should imagine its a whole lot hotter than here in ole blighty. Provided the room temp. is 25+ your trops will be fine. The fact that most coldwater fish have been mass farmed in tropical climates means that goldfish thrive in tropical conditions. In these places they breed discus in tanks with absolutely no heating measures what so ever and they need water 28+.

On another note.

O.A.T.A (Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association) have recently distrubuted a news letter requesting that NO tropical species be sold as coldwater tolerant as the fisheries department has been sniffing around because of well known chain stores selling pl*cos (to deal with algae) and Corys (to deal with mess) as cold water fish. Which in turn has caused worries concerning the possible threat to indigenous sp. if they are, shall we say "set free" by an iresponsible owner (which unfortunatly tHere are plenty. To kind to flush it, to lazy to give it back). Which could result in a ban on imports. Ridiculous as it sounds, this was an official letter from O.A.T.A.
Example "Crayfish" there are many tropical species that are now illegal to import as customs and excise officials can not all be experts in the field, so they just banned all but one, this one being pretty plain in colouration and nothing as spectacular as the reds and blues that have been banned.
There are many beautiful sp. that we cannot keep without license. Personally I'm quite partial to a Sail Fin Shark. They get stopped if you try to import them though.

I will hunt down a copy of this letter and start a new topic for anyone interested.

We dont want this for our cats.

Sorry if I hijacked the topic but I thought people might like to Know.
I'm not the expert and I'm sure someone knows all. I dont want this to be chinese whispers.
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