Baby otocinclus

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Baby otocinclus

Post by RiC »

Hello all,
I thought I might share this with you, as it seemed rather incredible to me: my otocinclus hoppei spawned! I'm had five of them for almost a year, they are in a very well planted tank, and I have no idea what suddenly stimulated them, as nothing changed in that tank :roll: ...

Anyway, I managed to take some pics; right now I can only see one, but I might find some more, if they decide to come out of their jungle :wink: :


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Post by bronzefry »

Congrats!!!!!!!! 8) :D 8)

I have a million questions. But, I'm sure you do, too. What's the tank temperature, pH, etc? Were there any other fish in the tank that suddenly departed? A change in diet? Did a plant they hate die? :oops:

There are a dozen or so in the 75 gallon I have. What a special bunch. :D
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Location 2: Atlanta, USA

Post by RiC »

Hi Bronzefry :wink: ,
Here is where they are (but this pic is a bit old, the plants have multiplied much more since then):


Here are the specifics:
20gallons; pH: 6.5; Temp: 78; KH: 1,12°d.
10 rasboras heteromorpha;
3 corydoras aeneus
2 corydoras paleatus
1 corydoras punctatus
5 otocinclus hoppei.

Nothing changed in the tank, no fish departed, no plant died. I believe the eggs were so well hidden that none of the tankmates could find the eggs and then the fry :wink: ... there is a huge bunch of java moss on the driftwood (which I turned into the corys' cave; not visible on the pic, it's in the background), so maybe it helped :?:
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