Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
I have a Radican Marble Sword that went crazy and threw off a bunch of daughter plants. I have the daughters in a 10 gallon tank. I pruned the plant back a bit after doing this. I think a few buds got loose in the tank. The surface of the tank has looked like this for a few days:
Is there any particular way to save these and grow them out? Any help would be appreciated.
Another word of advice, duckweed is like snails - it seems like even one is plenty. I routinely do my best to get every speck of it out of my 10 gallon, down to the last bit, but it seems to get to a critical mass, like glosso, then off it goes! Good luck!
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it rains into the sea, and still the sea is salt
Interests: African catfishes and oddballs, Madagascar cichlids; stoner doom and heavy rock; old school choppers and riding them, fantasy novels, travelling and diving in the tropics and all things nature.
you root in your tank and look like the Swamp Thing when you finish; it gets EVERYWHERE
BUT it is THE best nitrate vacuumcleaner anywhere.....every fistful you get out is a fistful of converted fishpoop and nitrates; it's a very good plant to keep a tank healthy and running.
there's also NO faster way of cycling a tank than pitching some of these in a new set up.....
It probably came in with the plants that I got recently that had the snails that burrowed into the Chaestoma. They completely botched the order, too. Good thing I prune my plants often. It is taking over the surface very quickly. Thanks for the help.
(Free burrowing snails and Duckweed with every purchase!! It wasn't on the website...)