Pictus cats with oscars?

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Pictus cats with oscars?

Post by oscarfish »

I currently have 2 oscars. I am cycling a 125 gal aquarium that will be ready in a couple of days. As far as tank mates, I was considering getting a few Pictus Cats. Is there anything I should know about them? From what I have read they don't get all that big, but I have read several conflicting articles. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Post by eclipsecatfish »

I had a 4-lined pictus and he was 6" and my 7" oscar was bitting him and chasing him, once I got back from school and there was a gash in my pictus head. so I recomend you dont get a pictus plus they get diseases real easy.
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Post by PlecoCrazy »

Oscars are very variable as far as aggressivness. For the most part if you raise your oscar up on pellets and other commerical food your oscar will probably be much less aggressive than one who is fed live food all of the time. Some how the feeder fish diet seems to bring out a whole other attitude. It can still go either way though. For the most part I would say a pictus cat would be just fine. Just make sure he is not too small and if your oscars are well fed then you probably won't have a problem.
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Post by oscarfish »

As far as Pictus Cats go... as long as they have places to hide they will be alright... I need to get at least 3 and exactly how big do they get for those of you that have them? Thanks
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Post by LimaShovel »

A pictus might get picked on by an oscar. If the oscar is raised by feeding it feeder fish it might be more aggressive
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Post by sidguppy »

A 125G can hold a pair of adult Oscars, but if you like to add a catfish (or a few) I would go for something more sturdy; a bigger Pimelodus perhaps, like Blochii or albofasciatus or so.
these are agile enough to cope with Oscars (they DO need a few hiding places of course) and have quite a bit more character (more territorial, bit more piscivore too).
They'll be a better match.

apart from that (and maybe a Gibby or something to keep the tank spotless) I wouldn't add any fish.

A 125G with a big pleco, pair of Oscars (male & female) and a big cat or a small group (3-4) of those; that's about as much fish as it can hold.
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Post by pictus_man_77 »

i would say 20cm is about rite for the siz of a pictus cat.
i would recommend them as they add caracter to the tank :D :D
if you have a bubble wall they will be highly interested
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Post by Sandtiger »

I keep two pictus catfish with two oscars and I have yet to see a problem with any of them, my convict is the most aggresive but only towards the smaller oscar. My pictus are maybe 4" and 5". Anyway, oscar vary is degree of aggresiveness so it may work or may not.

Sorry for bringing up an old topic, I just noticed this was from March. :oops:
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