Bristle Fry & Coryadoras Question
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Bristle Fry & Coryadoras Question
Hi I'm trying to find out if my baby bristle nose are in any risk of being eaten by my Cory's ... I've bred Bristles before several times with no problems but this time I have 6 Corydoras in the same tank a 2-1/2 footer - 2 Peppered, 2 Albino & 2 Bronze .... At the moment the baby Bristles (90+)are still hiding under their rock with Dad while they consume their yoke sack, they'll be out & about any day soon & I'm worried if the cory's might eat them or attack them ... please advice asap 

Bye For Now
- MatsP
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This probably belongs in the Loricariid forum, but I'll let some moderator decide to move it if that's he/she thinks that's the right thing to do.
I think bristlenose babies are a little bit too large for cories to easily eat. But I wouldn't bet my entire batch of 90 babies on it, if you see what I mean. [picture: Mats sitting on a fence...] The safe thing to do would be to move the cories to some other tank [assuming you got one]. The (which I presume your Albino also is) will possibly be big enough to eat the babies, if it's a larger one...
I think bristlenose babies are a little bit too large for cories to easily eat. But I wouldn't bet my entire batch of 90 babies on it, if you see what I mean. [picture: Mats sitting on a fence...] The safe thing to do would be to move the cories to some other tank [assuming you got one]. The (which I presume your Albino also is) will possibly be big enough to eat the babies, if it's a larger one...
I sincerely doubt that the cories would eat the BN fry, for two reasons. Number one, the babies will be too large for the cories to easily consume. Secondly, I've never known cories to attack or try to eat a live, healthy fish. Even sickened fish that barely move are left alone by cories, until they expire. After that though, these opportunistic fish do their jobs pretty well.
Your bristlenose fry should be perfectly fine, and I would be surprised to hear otherwise.

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