cory fry missing

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cory fry missing

Post by rfb »

I have had three seperate spawnings of my paleatus cory's.
Each time it appears that I have lost them for some reason,I have been leaving the parents in the tank.From what I have read it really does not matter.I am really at a loss on this one,I appear to have the spawning thing down,I would now like to see it come to a good end.Any ideas should I pull the parents as soon as they have spawned?
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Post by corybreed »

Your post is not that clear. Are you losing the fry? I would remove the eggs and hatch them out in a separate container. Once the eggs have hatched don't start feeding until the yolk sacks have dissolved.

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yes that is correct

Post by rfb »

I am losing the fry for some reason that I am yet unsure of.I suspect the parents but cant ber sure of that.I have them in the breeding tank and I am very reluctant to attempt to remove the eggs as I have failed at that before.So I opted to leave tham in the breeding tank.Is it possible that it is the substrate of gravel,or to be more clear should I have a clear bottom to the tank.I am thinking that I might try that next and then when they spawn I can remove the parents
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Post by corybreed »

If it is easier for you to remove the parents then give it a try next time they spawn. Good luck.

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ok great

Post by rfb »

Thank you for the help it was great
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good excuse

Post by dave863 »

I know what you are going through. I had my trilinius spawn once and was not able to rescue the little ones in time. The one thing I promised to have in place next time was a tank in place to remove the adults to, and here is the best thing about the whole incident. It gave me a really good excuse to have a new tank :D
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new tank

Post by rfb »

Yes I agree with you that a new tank would be nice but I think my landlady might not think so.I noticed her disapproval when I got second,but I have managed to get another three in.One in my daughters room one in the bookshelf and one in the blind spot of the living room,so as you can see I am running out of chances of not being caught.
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