Stocking 20 gallon long river tank?

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Stocking 20 gallon long river tank?

Post by MemnochzeePleco »

First of all I'd like to say hi. I've been reading the site and forums for a while and have gotten my fair share of useful info.It's great to see a fish site with so many members who really know their stuff. It's very helpful for those who are learning like myself. :D

Now onto my question. I'm setting up a 20 gallon long river tank. I know this limits me as far as stocking options because of its smaller size so I really need some help in this area.

I definitly want a rubbernose pleco in the tank. I would also like some sort of hillstream loach(es) in there. I was thinking some butterfly loaches maybe.There will be heavy filtration but if anything I'd rather keep the tank understocked. The fish I named aren't set in stone. I'm open to suggestions. If possible I'd like to add some sort of minnow type fish to the mix as well.

Can anyone recomend some stocking numbers?

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