What the?

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What the?

Post by NOGO4U »

Anyone know what this one may be?



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Post by MatsP »

Long fin Albino Bristlenose, by the looks of things.

That's a combination of the genes of these two:
Longfin Bristlenose
Albino Bristlenose

First time I've seen a picture of that combination. I think Jools would like to have a copy under the "long fin" version to show the albino variety.

Lots of fish have genes for albinism and for long fins, so it's just a question of sufficient [in]breeding, and they'll happen. Obviously, both genes are rare in nature, as it's rather detrimental to the fish to be white or have extra long fins, when trying to hide and/or escape from a predator.

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Post by racoll »

it's a veil-tail albino bristlenose pleco. it doesn't have a latin name. it probably descended from ancistrus sp.(4) and sp.(5)

here are the links....

http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/lo ... ru/5_f.php

http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/lo ... /442_f.php
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Post by MatsP »

Oh, and it's a "She" not a "He". It looks like it's big enough to have bristles, judging by the odontodes on the gill-covers if nothing else [I can't see from the picture how big the fish is, but I'd guess it's way over 5 cm].

If it was a male, it would then have some bristles on the front of the head.

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Post by NOGO4U »

I would think it isn't an albino longfin bristlenose.

It doesn't look like it has standard ancistrus characteristics.

Look at the scales, the shape of its head and body is noticeable different.

It's total length would be about 8-9cm.

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Post by MatsP »

I tried improving the contrast a littel on one of the pictures I've got

I think the scales look very similar to the ones on your fish (given that it's a different angle, unfortunately, I haven't got a "top show" picture in my set of aquarium photos here, but there are some other pictures of my female ancistrus, and her babies.

Headshape also looks pretty mucht the same as a common Ancistrus. What of the headshape do you think is NOT like an ancistrus?

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Post by Janne »

It's a longfin or vailtail bristlenose made from the common ones by the tjeck.

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Post by NOGO4U »

maybe this can help?

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Post by Barbie »

I agree. It's a long fin albino ancistrus female. The length of the pectoral fins, and the general shape are a dead give away. I didn't realize they were available in Aus. though.

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Post by NOGO4U »

ok guys...

compared with an albino bristlenose....

still think its an albino longfin bristlenose?

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Post by Fish Soup »

Yep. Here's a picture of my normal finned female.

2xL46; 3xL333; 2xLDA33; 3xL183; 9xLDA08; 1xAncistrus L279; 2xAlbino Ancistrus sp.(3)
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Post by MatsP »

NOGO4U wrote:ok guys...

compared with an albino bristlenose....

still think its an albino longfin bristlenose?

Yes, I'm 99.9% sure it's what I said in my first post.

If you don't agree, what do YOU think it is?

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Post by Yann »


I agree 200% with Mats and Barbie.... it can't be any else than a female albinos long fins Ancistrus...

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Post by Jools »

Yup, for what it's worth as the guys above have already said it's certainly an albino veiltail but, as that is almost certainly a hybrid, we can't do much better than that ID. Don't really know what the common bristlenose is, so we're not going to get this one down to a species!

As intimated above, this really is a good picture up top and I would like to use it - PM me for details if you'd like to contribute - but I understand if you don't want to as we don't have that many good things to say about veiltail catfishes!


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