The rock to the right is exactly where the fry was hiding. The Rubberlipped became territorial over the past few days and would not leave that spot. And I mean that exact spot. Last night, one of the female Cories tried to move that fish, snout to snout. The L-187B came right back to that exact spot. The other L-187B seemed to stay far away from the fracas. But, I don't know what happened during the night, but the result was a dead L-187B. I'm still wondering if the other L-187B is the culprit.
Please pardon the quality of the pics, but I had to try to take some of this little tyke.

When I started to take the above pics, the beta female came to block my view....

These may not be true "parenting" skills. They don't seem to care much about their eggs once they lay them. But, this particular batch of Paleatus I have are very protective of their little ones. Has anybody ever seen territorial Cories or protectiveness by Cories?