Nutrition for Corydoras paleatus fry

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Nutrition for Corydoras paleatus fry

Post by shammonds »

I'm in the process of raising some Peppered Cory fry and so far they all seem very healthy. I've been feeding them Hikari First Bites ( since they consumed their yolk sacs and I've branched into frozen brine shrimp with some of the older ones, but I want to make sure they develop rapidly and display optimal coloration. We're in week 3 now, and any suggestions as to what these guys should be eating now would be a big help.
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Post by chef »

i feed all my cory fry newly hatched brimeshrimp(napuli)with microworm and a fine powder food moving them onto finely chopped frozen bloodworms after about five to six weeks then tabimin,this works very well for me
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Post by bronzefry »

I was surprised to read the label of Hikari First Bites to find that Monosodium Glutimate (MSG) is in there. :? It gives me headaches if it's in human food!

I feed fry baby brine shrimp at first. Then move onto cut up freeze-dried tubifex or blood worms. Daphnia is another good one. It's small to start with and full of protein. Watch them when they eat. Make sure the pieces aren't too big or sharp. Make sure they don't get frustrated with the food and leave it uneaten.
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