male or female - QA

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male or female - QA

Post by stina »

Hi ppl!
Here is one of my QA...
All visible markings indicate that this is a female, but when i look at genital papilla , i think it is a male...
I need someone else to confirm that.
BTW interpercular odontoides are small, stomach is kind of white, head is not so broad.


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Post by stina »

One more, closeup...
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Post by Barbie »

It's honestly hard to tell without a shot of the whole fish, both from the side and above. How large is it? If it's over 3.5", it's definitely a female. Male L260 get some pretty pronounced odontode growth. The lighter "washed out" coloration would also lead me to believe it's a female.

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Post by stina »

Now you have confused me a little bit.
3,5" is around 9cm... so i think my fish has that lenght... including tail.
This is a pic from my smallest QA, and if you say it is so, i belive you.

I must say all of my QA's have "washed out" coloration, and i thought that i have all males...3 of them to be preciesly...
So i have decided to swap one with my friends QA who is obviusly gravid, but when i looked at her's genital papila, i thought she is he...
I am never wrong with genital papila... but those L260 are destroying my record... :evil:
This is a good time to say: "never say never!"

Maybe now i will have 2 females and one male... unless i have all females - with marbeld belly...

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Post by zebraplec »

Barbie is spot on with the faded coloration. I have three breeding groups of these and the males are all dark and females faded. The marbled belly is said to be male however I have several females that I know have produced eggs with a marbled belly so its gets tricky sometimes :roll:
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Post by Barbie »

I was referring to 3.5" SL, which doesn't include the tail. You might want to get shots of the fish from above against a light colored surface. A bowl or dish of water on the kitchen counter worked great here. Then you can get enough light, and take your time getting the different shots you need.

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Post by INXS »

All my females have white bellies and males have some pattern on them - though they haven't produced a spawn yet :oops:
That is what I have always been told to look for.
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