id this pleco, is it L66, L260 or L333

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id this pleco, is it L66, L260 or L333

Post by kyo_k81 »

Hi all, I'm new to pleco,need you'll to assist.
Any bro/sis can tell me is it L66, L260 or L333?
Sorry for the blur image. So,able to tell from the pic? tks alot.

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Post by lisa23 »

Hi Kyo

It looks like L260 to me.
Clearer pics would help.

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Post by Sven T. »


i think also that it is a L260.

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Post by Janne »

I dont agree with L260 they have much thinner lines, I think it's L333 but need a better pic to exclude L66.

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Post by lisa23 »

I still think it's an l260.
The l260's from Santarem have the broader and more yellowy stripes,do they not?
Though it could be l66 i suppose. :?

Anyway we at least know it's Hypancistrus. :)

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Post by lisa23 »

Check out the plecos on this site.
It's Japanese but has some beautiful pics.
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Post by Yann »


Lisa is right the population of Santarem has broader yellower lines!

I also believe it is L260...

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Post by Janne »

Maybe I am wrong and Lisa is right, I have never seen a Gold arabesque before and didn't know there was one either.

This is a L333 but yours differ a bit in the pattern, do you have more species then just this one you have pictured?

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Post by madattiver »

i don't think it looks like a L260 either.. was more leaning towards L333 as with Janne..
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Post by L260 »

personally I think it is a it is the same markings as the 6 that I have ,that were sold as 333
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Post by kyo_k81 »

Janne wrote:Maybe I am wrong and Lisa is right, I have never seen a Gold arabesque before and didn't know there was one either.

This is a L333 but yours differ a bit in the pattern, do you have more species then just this one you have pictured?

The pics are taken from the same species.

I suspect it's L260 as it has spot on its body. Correct me if I wrong.


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Post by Janne »

This is also L333 but a big one...


And this is also L333 and as you can see they can be very different in the pattern like many other species.


This is L260.

I just wanted to show that these species are variable in the pattern and give you some pic's to compare with, that I not have seen a L260 gold is not the same that it dont exist and Lisa can still be right.
If you have more then one species or your LFS still have several species instead of one because they differ very much individual.

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Post by lisa23 »

After seeing the pic of the large L333 posted by Janne i am now a little bit unsure of my first choice of Santarem L260,it could be l333 or perhaps the santarem l260 & l333 are one and the same but from different areas.Those spots got me wondering.

I really am becoming confused now :?

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Post by Janne »

Lisa and Yann,

I am curious to know where you have seen these L260 Santarem "gold arabesque" and if't "verified" that it's really caught at the mouth of tapajos, I know it can be difficult to recive information about origin from exporters and some of them are not foreign to come up with new names to get attention in their stocklist's.
If there are any site with pic's of these species I would be glad to see one or two, I'm still learning :)

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Post by Barbie »

On availability lists here, we'll see L333 called "yellow king tiger" or "Imperial Arabesque" or even "new arabesque" plecos. I personally think the fish is an L333, not an L260. I guess if it grows larger than L260 should, you'll know ;) My L333 are quite a bit larger than my old breeder male L260. I realize that doesn't do you a dang bit of good right now though. Sorry!

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Post by stina »

When i was in Austria buying QA'a, in two pet shops(probabla same import!) they had "regular" QA for 12-15euro, and in one tank they had somekind of gold QA!!
It was identical to QA but some stripes was really gold...
I don't belive this was L333 cuz stripes was really thin...
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Post by kev »

hi all, this was at a exporter's in Altamira (Xingu), when i asked the shipper what it was they said L-333 GOLD.


Put me dinner in the oven, im off to the Xingu!!!.
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Post by Yann »

let's see to what adult size he will go!!

L333 is bigger than L260!!
L333 is one of the bigger Hypancistrus
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Post by Janne »

I am not sure the size differ so much between L260 and L333, my biggest L333 is around 15 cm (6") and on this forum we have seen some big L260 also at the same size.
The biggest L260 I have had was a male around 13 cm (5") so maybe these species reach nearly or the same size as fullgrown.

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Post by Yann »


Janne: L333 is believe to achieve a size of 18cm!

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Post by kyo_k81 »


Able to tell, L260 or L333?[/img]
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Post by Yann »


To me yours is a L260!
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Post by lisa23 »


Yep,l260 as i said in the first place. :wink:

Not 100% though :?

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Post by kyo_k81 »

Thanks everyone,so it's L260,Queen Arabesque Pleco :D
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Post by Janne »

After some luck I have both seen a lot of these and even bought some to my own collection, and I was wrong when I said it's L333 and I am completely sure they are L318 Hypancistrus sp instead. What I am not sure about is if the origin in Datz and Aqualog are correct, they are exported as L333 from xingu.

This one shows almost exactly the same pattern and body as the species in question, but have nothing yellow which can depend on the photographer.



And even the big one I posted earlier belongs to this species, before I was sure it was an adult male L333 but know when I have had the chance to compare so many species in the same time I am sure this one also are L318.


So what do you think? Is L318 a colour form of L333 or is't their own species? My species correspond with Datz L318 that shows stress coloration, they are normally much sharper in the colour.
I think there are a mess in some L-nb and maybe to much guessing sometimes but I can be wrong :wink:

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Post by Barbie »

Ergh! My L333 show very little yellow, more of this L318 coloration. They are HUGE, easily an inch or more longer than any of my L260. They definitely have the more red/gold eyes, so I felt safe calling them L333. Now I'm not sure!


I realize you can't see his eyes all that well, but they're definitely gold, I promise. Have you ever tried to get a nice clear picture of a fish in a cave? ;)

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Post by Janne »

Yes they are huge and very close related to L333 but not the same species in my view, I think the problem is that we dont understand how much variable in the pattern and sometimes even the coloration each single species can have and thats why they are givin either a new L-nb or are considered as the same species as an other.
Anyway the exporters call them what they think look closest either from the Datz or the Aqualog, the exporters dont know which river they origin for sure...there are many middlehands before they arrive to the exporters so it's not uncommon to mix some species up.

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