Doubts on Asterophysus batrachus

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Marc van Arc
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Doubts on Asterophysus batrachus

Post by Marc van Arc »

While reading the CotM on Asterophysus, it struck me that it seems almost impossible for a 24 cm fish to eat a 40 cm long (thus also having a certain height)Crenicichla.
Especially because the victim is a particular strong fish, which will put up a hell a fight to free itself.
Furthermore, the C****d had to be folded in 2 (at least) by the cat or did it lay around several days with a piece of
C*****d stuck out of it's mouth?
How can you state (Cat-eLog) that it may be accompanied by larger Characins, when it eats preys like the above?
Would the author of that article or someone else who keeps
Asterophysus please fill me in?
If no common interest I would very much like to receive a PM.
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Post by coelacanth »

It's genuine. I saw the Crenicichla, and I saw the group of Asterophysus, and what they are capable of. There is another pic (not on here) that more clearly shows the shape of the swallowed fish. One of the group also ate an 18cm Tilapia zillii whole, and that is also a fish that has considerable bulk to it.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

Thanks for your reply. I'm not stating it isn't genuine, but how was it swallowed? And while it hadn't suffocated, it's supposed to kick a lot of trouble inside the belly, isn't it? I used to have a snake which fell of a branch because the Poecilia inside it (just swallowed) wasn't quite happy with its destiny...
Again, please let's hear it!
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Post by coelacanth »

Marc van Arc wrote:Thanks for your reply. I'm not stating it isn't genuine, but how was it swallowed? And while it hadn't suffocated, it's supposed to kick a lot of trouble inside the belly, isn't it?
I'm really not sure what the exact feeding mechanism is, the dynamics have never been investigated as far as I am aware. They have also been recorded by researchers with Prochilodus their own length in their stomachs (and if you've ever tried netting a large one of these you'll know how active they are!), so they may take advantage of some aspect of tonic immobility. You can certainly subdue many fish by pressing the gill covers (I've only done this with fish I plan to eat, it isn't some odd thing I do at work...), and the same is true when you wrap them in a cloth or other wholly enclosed means of restraint.
To be able to digest meals of this size I imagine they have powerful stomach acids which would ensure that any fish wouldn't struggle for very long anyway.

Marc van Arc wrote:I used to have a snake which fell of a branch because the Poecilia inside it (just swallowed) wasn't quite happy with its destiny...
That I wish I could see!
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Re: Doubts on Asterophysus batrachus

Post by BraveHeart007 »

[quote="Marc van Arc"]While reading the CotM on Asterophysus, it struck me that it seems almost impossible for a 24 cm fish to eat a 40 cm long (thus also having a certain height)Crenicichla.
Especially because the victim is a particular strong fish, which will put up a hell a fight to free itself.
Furthermore, the C****d had to be folded in 2 (at least) by the cat or did it lay around several days with a piece of
C*****d stuck out of it's mouth?
How can you state (Cat-eLog) that it may be accompanied by larger Characins, when it eats preys like the above?
Would the author of that article or someone else who keeps
Asterophysus please fill me in?
If no common interest I would very much like to receive a PM.

Im getting one of these very very soon. Anyways the Salt Water Frogfish- Histrio Histrio can swallow something larger than itself as well. I know because I had one at 6" it would take down a 8-10" Koi. What happens is the prey goes into the mouth into the stomach which expands like a puffer. The prey bends and forms to the shape of the stomach. This Asterophysus batrachus seems to have the same ability.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

I can't wait to read your live reports on the feeding habits of this fish. I knew about the abilities of that particular sea fish, but I still can't imagine anything like this with an Auchenipterid. Keep me/us posted pls.
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