Breeding Corydoras Septentrionalis

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Breeding Corydoras Septentrionalis

Post by sirbooks »

Hey folks!

Does anyone know any information about breeding this fish? I bought five Corydoras septentrionalis (longnosed cories) around a month ago. Now, I'm interested in trying to breed them. I don't think I'll be trying it soon, I would just like some info for future reference. After a thorough search on Google, I found nothing. Is it that few people have done it before?
I do know that many Corydoras species spawn following a conditioning period, often after a water change done with cooler water. Any more specific pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Coryman »

Try these, Just out of interest there are more than 500 references to the species when I checked goolge so there may be a lot more info to be had,

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