Kennyi and syno Petricola

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Kennyi and syno Petricola

Post by gulex »

Would these two mix well in a tank or are the petricolas going to have the snot beat out of them by the kennyi? The kennyi are only around two inches, but the petricolas are much smaller and wouldn't go in for at least another year. Any other fish to go with the kennyi or species only. I've got 20 petricolas that need a home with some one soon and I don't know who to put them with that won't try to eat them or pick on them.
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Post by sidguppy »

What's a kennyi?
probably some cichlid, but a complete name would help.

it depends on mainly two things:
-number of hiding places.
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Post by Dinyar »

What's a kennyi?
An obsolete trade name for Metriaclima lombardoi (formerly Pseudotropheus).
Would these two mix well in a tank or are the petricolas going to have the snot beat out of them by the kennyi? The kennyi are only around two inches, but the petricolas are much smaller and wouldn't go in for at least another year.
How big are your petricola now? Are you planning to put them in now or after a year?
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kennyi and petricola

Post by gulex »

they are called . Kennyi - Pseudotropheus lombardoi

I have six and they are around 2 inches and growing out in a 30 gallon, untill my 60 gallon is ready.
the petricola are just over an inch and growing out in another tank. I have 20, but they don't all have to go into the same tank if any. They are very slow growers and don't know if it would even be safe to add them to an established tank in a year when they are big enough.
I could leave the kennyi in the thirty gallon if it's big enough when the are aadults, and add nothing but it looks very plain and boring and empty.
There are three main caves, different sizes and a few pvc pipe tubes for more hidding. I could add more or wait to see if I should move them first.
I'm not really sure the "over crowding" method would really work with them in the long run (kennyi) and they might take their aggression out on the cats instead.
I put some of the "dreaded" plastic plants in for cover (suctuned to the back) coral substrate to keep the ph high, one a week water changes from the tap (7.2 ph)
I'm lost when it come to both of these put together.
Let me know what you think.
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