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Would be good to have a shot of it's belly since the L204 has a dark underside, whilst at least L129 has a lighter belly. Don't know what L316's belly looks like, but a belly shot would possibly eliminate the L129 at least.
I think the lines are too thin for the Cat-eLog L316, but then Panda's L316 picture is quite different...
Having looked at all L204 pictures again, I think there's only one or two that sort of matches (#4 & maybe #5), but the others are not a match, and I'm starting to think L129/L316.
L316 (which I think this is) are very variable in the pattern like many other species of Hypancistrus and even so L129 that sometimes are more white then yellow. When these are youngsters they can easily bee confused and also with L199...all these three L-nb are mostly black and white as youngster but when they reach maturity they change in colour, L316 remains black and white/grey and the other two black/brown and grey/yellow.
I found L316 to have somewhat of a different head shape compare to other species of the genus Hypancistrus, except for L270/307 which certainly is very closely related to.
Adam: if you could provide us with a pic of the head and if you know the origin of the shipment it came with... (Brasil or Colombia?)
I work at a fish store and we probably get L204 in 4 or 5 times a year. Sometimes they have the pattern of adam57's fish and sometimes they have the pattern of Pandadosmares fish. I have noticed that it seems like the larger ones that come in tend to have straighter more definded lines than the smaller ones. It is possible that more than one species gets confused as L204 but maybe the pattern is variable instead. I beleive this is a species that few if any have bred so it would be interesting to see if their is much varience on the lineage of the offspring.
My L204 has the pattern of adam57's fish, he is not very large. My first thought when I saw the picture was L204, but obviously that is up for debate.
in the matter size vs shape of lines i can assure that the only diference is that when the fish grows older the yellow straight lines become more narrow, and may disapear becoming small dots.
I've 8 from 6 inch to 1.5 inch and all have straigth lines none of them are from the same batch.
The Photos os Aqualog and Datz confirm the theory of the yellow straight lines
Aren't we mistaking L204 with Panaque Maccus L104?
Hope this helps
Last edited by Pandadosmares on 03 Dec 2004, 18:06, edited 1 time in total.
L-204 and L-104 (panaque maccus) are distinctly different
IME L-204 gets bigger , more elongated, stronger contrast between the dark and light and appears slimmer then the panaque maccus which tends to look like a tadpole as it fattens up and matures. From pictures it can seem deceptive and you may think they look alike but in real life they are quite different.
Janne ,
my hat is always off to you since you are a qualified expert but I have to say that the second photo of yours looks like L-260 to me. How can you tell the difference between that fish and an L-260? And how can you surley classify all three fish to the same species? Is there a distinct identification?
L260 are always looking the same and are not variable as some other species if you not look closer, compare the caudal fin with L316. L260 are also a more stubbier species than L316 if you compare the shape of the body and head.
But I agree with you in one way and understand how difficult it could be sometimes...if I not had seen so many species of L316 and just bought one ther and another somewhere else I also for sure would think they was different species and not the same.
Some of us have the advantage to see lots of them together when they have arrived...and if you have 30 or 50 species of one L-nb to compare with you get some experience that some species are very much variable and other not.
204 and L-104 (panaque maccus) are distinctly different
IME L-204 gets bigger , more elongated, stronger contrast between the dark and light and appears slimmer then the panaque maccus which tends to look like a tadpole as it fattens up and matures. From pictures it can seem deceptive and you may think they look alike but in real life they are quite different.
I work at a fish store and we probably get L204 in 4 or 5 times a year. Sometimes they have the pattern of adam57's fish and sometimes they have the pattern of Pandadosmares fish. I have noticed that it seems like the larger ones that come in tend to have straighter more definded lines than the smaller ones. It is possible that more than one species gets confused as L204 but maybe the pattern is variable instead. I beleive this is a species that few if any have bred so it would be interesting to see if their is much varience on the lineage of the offspring.
My L204 has the pattern of adam57's fish, he is not very large. My first thought when I saw the picture was L204, but obviously that is up for debate.
Well i know that, but the thruth is that the fish is not a L204, but the only one that looks like a L204 and dosent have straight lines is 104. So probably somewere they are selling that fish with the wrong name, since L204 allways have straight lines form very tender age.
I think you are totally right in that there are places selling the L-104 (panaque maccus/clown pleco) as L-204.
As small fish it may be possible tha the two could be confused - also if the fish are stressed which is often the case after shipping.
Once you can see both fish in real life at a grown stage you will notice the difference in size, color and bodyshape.
In this pic I would say L129 because of the much bigger eyes then L316 have, so I have to admit I was wrong to thought it was L316.
But this also showes how important it is when it comes to Hypancistrus species anyway with good pic's even if it could be better