I need help Identifying what my new "butterfly" Pl

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I need help Identifying what my new "butterfly" Pl

Post by labont865 »

I just bought a new pleco sold to me as a butterfly pleco.
However I looked at the photo on this site and they look nothing alike at all. My Pleco almost looks like a little sting ray. Its pec and anal fins overlap as though they are one big circular fin, and its body is extremely flattened.
where as the butterfly pleco pictured on this site has to very distinct sets of anal and pec fins. If anybody can help me out or if you need a better description let me know

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Post by Barbie »

It's probably a hillstream loach. You'll have more luck finding him at http://www.loaches.com :) They basically do best in somewhat cool, highly oxygenated water.

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Post by labont865 »

hahaha that is waht it is.

really a cool little fish fun to watch. But do they do as good of a cleaning job as a pleco or should a be lookin for something else to clean algae. I am a fan of active fish are there any pleco species that I should specifically look for?
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Post by stina »

your new hillstream loach is very good algea eater...
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Post by PlecoCrazy »

They love algae but watch the temps, anything above 78 and their lifespan becomes much shorter. I keep mine in an unheated tank with a lot of current and they are just happy. They are alot more fun to keep if you get a group of them, the definently have a social order among them. I have been currently trying to breed some spotted ones but have had no luck yet.
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Post by labont865 »

That would be awesome if you could get them to spawn. Please keep me informed of the progress.
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