Hello Cat Fish People!

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Hello Cat Fish People!

Post by SnailMomma »

Hellloooo catfish peoples. While my "call name" is SnailMomma, humans can call me Lori. While I have 6 catfish of different types, I also raise 3 kinds of aquarium snails and have a couple of fish. Two of my cat fish are easy to identify, one is an albino Corydoris and the other three are upside down Cories. What is driving me nuts is two long catfish hubby brought home from the petshop that I can't identify. I joined to surf your site to see if I could ID these guys and maybe learn some more about my Cories I didn't know. Soooo... thanks for letting me in! Be safe,
If we were all snails, we would never be homeless...
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Dave Rinaldo
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Welcome to PC!

Your 'upside down cories' might be .(not Corydoras) The other 'cats' might be
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
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Post by SnailMomma »

Dear Dave,
Thanks for the reply and the links! I'll check them out right now and see if they are what you said they are. Will get back to you in a few! :lol:
Heaps O' Thanks,
If we were all snails, we would never be homeless...
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Location 1: N. California, hink Redwoods, Bigfoot...
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Post by SnailMomma »

Dear Dave,
I checked those two out and I agree... could be one or both. (Hard to tell, they love to hang under the Cana snails as "home" for now) I need to get some stuff in there for them to hide under. It's kinda funny when you go to count fish and find some under a snail! :shock: I have discovered though, they like to clean the snails shells of left overs and slime that the pest snails leave, so I don't mind a bit!
Now, we gotta get to work on those long skinny catfish... They are simular to Synotdontis Haugi and S. Schall. Again, I have pictures, but I don't know how to post them in here.
Always and with gratitude,
If we were all snails, we would never be homeless...
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Location 2: Cheshire.UK
Interests: Asiancatfish/Hypans/corys

Post by medaka »

hello lori :) and welcome to planet catfish
I ‘Doc I can’t stop singing The Green, Green Grass of Home’
“That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.
‘Is it common?’
“It’s not unusual.” :YMTONGUE:
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