Baryancistrus sp L-142/LDA-33 "Snowball"

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Baryancistrus sp L-142/LDA-33 "Snowball"

Post by Pablo »

I want to know if anybody have any experience of breeding the snowballs. :D

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Post by Silurus »

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Bred L142/LDA33

Post by Anders »

Yes it has been bred,

at least according to an article published on a
Swedish website which describes how to simulate
the rain season.

under Malodling

In that article it is mentioned that the author
successfully bred the L142/LDA33 in about 1999.
/ Anders
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Re: Bred L142/LDA33

Post by MatsP »

Anders wrote:Yes it has been bred,

at least according to an article published on a
Swedish website which describes how to simulate
the rain season.

under Malodling

In that article it is mentioned that the author
successfully bred the L142/LDA33 in about 1999.
I'm happy to do a translation to english. Obviously assuming:
1. I can get the original author's permission.
2. Someone is intereest.
3. It's understood that I'm neither a professional translatior, not an expert on fish-terminology in english or swedish. But I promise I can get the gist of it, and with some descriptions when I can't translate a word directly.

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Post by Janne »

The article are not particular about breeding L142/LDA33, it's about to simulate a rain season and no many words about the spawning. It was accidently but no one have seen the fry more then the author what I am aware pictures and not any details, acording to the author they have breed several times but anything is known or documented about it.

The address are the old one and the new is and you will find it under "Artikelregister" övrigt.

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