Synodontsis Angelicus - Queries...

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Synodontsis Angelicus - Queries...

Post by bunjiweb »

There is a Synodontsis angelicus at my LFS that is about 5.5" long and is all by himself in a 15G tank..

I have been very tempted by this fish for my new tank for a long time.

My new tank will consist of:

2 - 5 synodontsis petricola (currently have 2 but would like to get 3 more)
3 - 4 plecs (currently L128, Tiger & Bristlenose)
2 flagtail catfish

and possibly 2 firemouths or festive cichlids..

SO. Would I be able to get the angelicus? Would it be compatible with the other fish I am going to house in the tank?.... ANY advice or experience appreciated!

Oh, and here's a picture of my tank, lots of bogwood so there are plenty of spaces the angelicus could call its cave..


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Post by Wood »

:D What size is your tank? The petricola might someday become lunch.
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Post by corybreed »

In my experience angelicus are very territorial and nasty. I think eventually it will kill the petricola. Although they will adjust to the high pH hard water they are a soft water riverine fish.

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Post by Barbie »

After I moved down from Anchorage, I had to figure out where to keep my large S. angelicus, and he ended up in a 190 gallon tropheus tank. There happened to be 18 S. petricola in the same tank, and I never saw even a small amount of damage on the petricola from the angelicus. While they don't play nicely with other angelicus, he certainly didn't seem to have a problem with the petricola. I've also kept another large angelicus I have with my colony of S. multipunctatus with no injuries. He doesn't share his cave, but other than that, he could care less about their presence. Hope that helps!

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Post by bunjiweb »

Hmm, im still none the wiser as again, conflicting views...

I have read some people say they are perfectly peacful as long as they have a space to call their own.
I have also read people saying they are very terratorial and nasty.
I have ALSO read that they can grow up to a foot long... not the 8" mark prescribed on most websites..

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Post by sidguppy »

they're territoriasl, but in my experience only with similar sized Syno's or bigger ones.

I've seen a single 7" angelicus beating the crap out of three 10" decorus. A similar sized angelicus started a lifelong trenchwar with a 6" schoutedeni in another tank.

So it's safe to say that confronted with a single other syno or a few big ones, it's a risk.

BUT with a herd of small ones (petricola's, multipuncs) in a lively tank with plenty caves and active fish (Riftcichlids!), it's OK.

Angelicus can be very shy too; I had a 8" beauty at one time, and the poor thing was by far the most secret fish in that tank. wich was a bummer, since it was a pretty one.

I did saw specimen about 9-11" in a LFS; wildcaught imports and not even that pricey. the white spots were all quite yellow and the purple color was a lila-grey. nice looking though.

but a group of those would need a whopping big tank; because in a small group (read: anything below 7) would be a warzone! 8 1-footers will need room to move.
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Post by Wood »

:D :D Well you should be somewhat wiser. These are peoples experiences with the fish in question. I currently have 2 syno angelicus 10 inces long togrther in a 40 gal, and they chase one another from time to time there is no damage. They grew up together though. They are in with small cyps and do not boter them. In some cases there are many answers and some that are different because of different circumstances. If you put 2 10 inch angelicus that did not grow up together,they would probably fight more. Good luck :D :D :D
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Post by sidguppy »

I think you have a pair as well; two big Syno's of opposite sex are less likely to fight than, say, two males.....
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Post by Barbie »

I've seen a S. angelicus that was well over the 8 inch SL mark, but he was ten years old, living in a 180 gallon tank with a constant feed through water change system. He was probably still only 9" SL and close to a foot TL. He was most definitely in charge of the other tank inhabitants in that tank.

My 2 S. angelicus lived together for years, with no problem, until they reached about 6" TL and after that they bickered quite badly about once a week and I decided to separate them before it turned into more than just skirmishes. Years ago I kept a group of 4 in a 75 gallon tank with lots of hiding places that were close to 6" and never seemed to have problems. I'm sure that might have changed over time, though, also. Individual fish will have differing personalities. IMO, with the information you're getting from this thread, you can get a better idea of just what you might end up dealing with. Your fish might surprise you and be totally peaceful, you just never know.

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Post by Wood »

:D :D Exactly Barbie. You never know. And to Sidguppy. I hope they are a pair??? :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by bunjiweb »

Well, I was speaking to the owner of the fish shop today and he seemed pretty convinced that the angelicus would do quite well in my tank as there would be no competition from similar sized catish. I also showed him a photo of my tank and he said that the bogwood would provide a perfect habitat for it.

Anyway, to cut to the short he said that if i wasnt convinced he would let me take it back if I had any problems (which they dont usually do!)

So, I might go for it, and if I get real problems Then as a last resort I could return it.

Do you reckon this would be ok?

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Post by Dinyar »

sidguppy wrote:they're territoriasl, but in my experience only with similar sized Syno's or bigger ones.
Sidguppy is right. S. angelicus can be very nasty with similar-looking, similar-sized Synos, but it will not bother a fish like S. petricola, which it does not seem to view as "competition". We speak from experience, as we have for several years kept a large and sometimes mean angelicus with a swarm of many different types/species of "petricola".
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Post by Yann »


It should be ok!
You did not mention how big is your new tank!

The only fish that might suffer from the Angelicus is the fish who share the same colouration, but obviously you ain't got one so it should be ok as long as you provide enough cave and place to hide for each catfish...

Just in case I would made caves or hidding place whose entry will only let the other cat in but would keep the angelicus out...

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Post by bunjiweb »

My tank is 121x40x46cm and is 57 us gallons.

Thanks for all your advice. Just one last question, as it will be the biggest fish do you think I should add it first so it can establish its home, or add it last so it doesnt feel king of the tank...

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Post by Yann »


No you should always add the most territorial or biggest in last...

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Post by bunjiweb »

As I thought!

Well today I added 2 new synodontis petricola, they are about 2.5" long and a pair according to the LFS owner. He did them for me for £20 for both which I thought was fairly reasonable, and They have started showing breeding signs already :).

When the small outbreak of ICH in my 50G tank is cured I shall be moving my other 2 smaller petricola over as well as my plecs and flagtail cats.

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Post by Darkangel »

Angelicus can get a lot bigger then the claimed 8"s one sees in most books. I have a tank that is 72"x20"x22" that has 5 angelicus in it. The biggest and oldest is one that is not quite 13"s long and was bought in 1988 as a four incher. Then there is a second one that is just under 12"s that was bought in 1994, and three eight or so inch specimens that were bought in 1996 (2) and 2000. They fight amongst themselves all the time. The tank is full of clay pots and bricks but they still find something to squable about. They however do not seem to bother even the smallest of fish as there are 6 skunk loachs in with them that have been there for over 2 years with no trouble. There are also 4 triportheus angulatus which are left completely alone.
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Post by bunjiweb »

well, from what you are saying they grow slowly, so if it ever does get too big, that will hopefully be at a time when I can get an even bigger tank! Believe me, i am not one for buying a fish if i do not fully intend to house it properly! I have not taken any fish back to the shops and i really dont intend to.

Thanks for the advice anyway!

Ben :)
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Post by bunjiweb »

Well, i finally got it. I am not sure how to sex this species so I will just call it a him... how about Boris? lol :lol: .

Anyway he cost me £36 and is around 6". He is currently in the 57G tank with 6 glass cats. He seems very peacful and happy to have a nice big new home!




Any comments welcome :)

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Post by CatBrat »

WOW! Nice looking fish :D
Is it as yellow as it looks in the photo's?

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Post by bunjiweb »

Yeh his colouration is really beautiful. Its a warm but not a bright yellow, and the random stripes on him add a bit of variety to his pattern...

Anyway, a couple more pics of him investigating me...




Ben :)

p.s. you may notice that he isnt amongst huge pieces of bogwood in the tank... This is because I decided to take the bogwood out so that i can clean it with a pressurised jet washer at some point this week. I have made him a nice caving area with some large bits of slate rock to keep him happy for the moment :)
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