What Am I Looking For?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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What Am I Looking For?

Post by silvernes »

I'm feeling brave & I'd like to try & sex my two common plecos.

Yeah I think I'm going for the wet towel approach I don't really trust these guys not to side-swipe me - I've been pricked by a corydora & I'd perfer not to repeat the experience!!!

Does anyone have photos of what I'm looking for? I'd like to only do this once :D I've read the description but I want to make sure I really know what I'm looking for before I risk the use of my hand :lol:

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Post by silvernes »

:lol: Are my questions really all that difficult?

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Post by Yann »


no your question isn't too difficult to answer, the only problem might be to find a picture of full out papilla of both sex...because to look at the spot where it is supposed to be is rather tricky.
But form what I have seen with my Loricariidae, once out both papilla cannot be mistaken

Chris had post 2 pictures of the zone of the genital papilla of , it is in the Loricariidae section somewhere...

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Post by Yann »


on the 8th pages of the section you would have find this topic
Not your fish but it can give you an idea...

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Post by silvernes »

Thanks Yann!! :)

So I guess it's kinda an inny/outtie thing we got going on here :lol: Which one is which? I'm guessing the top one is a male?

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Post by silvernes »

Ok so I'll post the pic as soon as I get some new batts for the digi. Poor guy :| doesn't much appreciate me pokeing at him like that :)

I'm assuming he's a male as something is sticking out, but I'm still quite confused as to what I'm looking for :). I only did one of them b/c I didn't want to stress them too much & I'll do the other one tomorrow :).

One thing - I'm not sure he is a common pleco :? I havn't handled my plecos much before this but the other on that has been confirmed at a common has really smooth scales - the guy I tried to sex today is the same colouration pattern (but darker) but his scales are all really bumpy & sharp :x Glad I was using a towel to grab him!!

Again will post pics as soon as I find batts. :D

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Post by silvernes »

Found Batts.!!

Here's Henry all up close & VERY personal :lol:



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Post by silvernes »

So I pulled charlie out this morning & none of the pictures came out... all very blury :)

He's got a sticky-out but too, but not as much as Henry so I'm not even sure that it isn't just a flap of skin protecting his 'areas' (or hers :))

What am I looking at again? :eye:

Why can't they just wear signs?????

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Post by silvernes »

Are these pictures clear enough to do I have to go pleco-hunting again?

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Post by MatsP »

silvernes wrote:Are these pictures clear enough to do I have to go pl*co-hunting again?

I'm not sure if the problem is the sharpness of the pictures or just that someone who knows are not willing to write an answer. To me, it doesn't make a difference, because I can't tell the difference anyways. But I'm sure the people who can would appreciate pictures where the focus is on the fish, rather than something behind or in front of the fish... Just my thoughts...

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Post by Jeff B. »

I am also new in that area of sexing loricariids, but if you can adjust your cam for superzoom, the pics will be better!!
At this stage, i could say that both of them are males... but, i am no exp!!
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Post by Yann »


The pic are not close enough and the quality isn't sufficent...

Impossible to tell with this
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Post by silvernes »

Thanks anyway guys :) Yeah the digital is crap & I can't find anyone around here that can actually work my real camera or who isn't squimish enough to hold my fish :lol:

Good news though, I don't have any experience with breeding plecos but these two are acting mighty supicious :). I know you couldn't tell from the photos (or lack there of) but their genetalia did look a little different (assuming I'm even looking at the correct parts).

So I may be looking forward to some little pleco-etts after all :D Anyone have a good link to on common breeding?

I've got lots of slate-caves in the tank so I'm assuming I need to be warry of any of my oscars, catfish or chalceus trying to tip them over b.c I'd assume if the plecos did lay they'd rather do it there then on the glass?

Any suggestions on removing the plecos themselves?

The other option is a 33 gallon (an unattractive prospect) or my other 120 which lacks any real predators like the oscars but my clown loaches or 2 common goldfish (long story) would make a quick meal of the eggs if they could get near them.

I suppose I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it :) Thanks again for the advice, I'll try again eventually if I can teach my little bro how to use a camera :D

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